How to Cancel Facilities Booking
To cancel a booking in a Facilities Booking product, follow these steps:
Via the Facilities > Calendar Subtab
- Log in to the system and navigate to the Facilities > Calendar subtab.
- Filter by booking type to find the specific booking event you want to cancel.
- Click on the booking event to open its details.
- Click on the booking’s payment status (either PAID or UNPAID).
- Click the Cancel button to cancel the booking.
Additional Steps
- If you prefer to view and/or cancel the invoice, click View Invoice. This will direct you to the client billing tab where you can manage the invoice.
- Once the booking is cancelled, the invoice amount will be credited back to the client’s account, and the facility will become available again.
For Rental Contracts
- To cancel Rental Contracts, locate the contract in the calendar or rentals tab.
- Click on the red Cancel Contract button associated with the rental contract.
- The contract will be archived in the Rentals tab, and a credit memo will be applied in the client’s billing tab.
Important Notes
- Administrators must have the Invoicing permission enabled to cancel a booking with an associated invoice.
- Payments cannot be refunded directly via the calendar subtab; instead, the amount is credited to the client’s account.