How to Cancel Facilitron
To cancel a reservation on Facilitron, follow these steps:
Cancelling a Pending Reservation
If your reservation is still pending and has not been approved, you can cancel it at any time. Here’s how:
- Navigate to the reservation detail page.
- Select the "Cancel Reservation" option.
- You may also leave a comment for the Facility Owner detailing the reason for cancellation, though it is not necessary.
- The status of your reservation will be changed to "Cancelled" immediately upon clicking "Submit".
Cancelling an Approved Reservation
If your reservation has already been approved, the cancellation process is slightly different:
- Navigate to the reservation detail page.
- Select the "Request Cancellation" option.
- The Facility Owner Organization will be notified of your request.
- The cancellation is subject to the Facility Owner Organization’s cancellation policy, which can be found at the top of your Reservation Details page.
- The status of your reservation will not change to "Cancelled" until the Facility Owner Organization reviews and approves your request.
Additional Notes
- The Change/Cancel request option may look different depending on the Facility Owner’s current configuration.
- If you need to leave a comment for the Facility Owner, you can do so, but it is not mandatory.
Refunds After Cancellation
If a credit is due after cancelling a reservation, it will appear as a negative dollar amount in the "Due" section of your reservation.
- For refunds of $5,000 or less, you can initiate an automated refund via the "Request Refund" button on the Reservation Details page if you paid with an e-check, credit/debit card, or PayPal.
- For refunds over $5,000, you need to contact Facilitron Support at 800-272-2962 or submit a request via the Refund Request Form.
- If your original method of payment is no longer active, you will need to request a refund via a physical check by filling out the Refund Request Form.