Front Pricing & Features Overview- Subscribed.FYI
Customer Relationship Management


Front is a cloud-based customer communication platform that streamlines team collaboration on service interactions. It unifies communication channels into a single workspace, fostering teamwork, efficiency, and better customer relationships.


What is Front?

Front is a cloud-based customer communication platform designed to streamline and improve team collaboration on customer service interactions. It acts as a central hub, consolidating email, chat, social media messages, and other communication channels into a single, shared workspace. This allows teams to work together more efficiently, maintain consistent communication with customers, and build stronger relationships.

Why Use Front?

Here are some of the key benefits of using Front:

  • Unified Inbox: Unify all customer communication channels (email, chat, social media, etc.) into a single platform, eliminating the need to switch between different apps.
  • Team Collaboration: Front fosters teamwork by providing shared inboxes and features like internal notes and task assignments, ensuring everyone on the team is on the same page regarding customer interactions.
  • Improved Efficiency: Streamline workflows with automation tools, pre-built templates, and collision detection to avoid duplicate responses.
  • Customer Insights: Gain valuable insights into customer communication trends and agent performance with built-in reporting and analytics.
  • Scalability: Front adapts to growing businesses with flexible plans and the ability to add new users and features as needed.

Who is Front For?

Front is ideal for:

  • Customer Service Teams: Front empowers teams to provide excellent customer service through efficient collaboration, shared context, and streamlined workflows.
  • Sales Teams: Front can be a valuable tool for managing sales communication, tracking leads, and collaborating on proposals.
  • Support Teams: Front helps support teams efficiently handle customer inquiries and provide timely resolutions.
  • Any Business with a Customer Focus: Front benefits any organization that prioritizes effective customer communication and collaboration.

Front offers a comprehensive solution for managing customer communication and collaboration. By unifying communication channels, promoting teamwork, and providing valuable insights, Front empowers businesses to build stronger customer relationships and drive positive business outcomes.




Customer Relationship Management
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Pricing and Features

Product Tier

Starter Plan

Monthly Price

$29/per seat

Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)

$19/per seat

Free Trial (Weeks)


  • Omnichannel Shared Inboxes: Centralize communication from various channels for efficient handling.
  • Collaboration Workflows: Streamline teamwork with structured processes and task assignments.
  • Knowledge Base & Live Chat: Provide support resources and real-time assistance to customers.
  • 3rd-Party Integrations: Seamlessly connect with a wide range of external tools and platforms.

Growth Plan

Monthly Price

$79/per seat

Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)

$59/per seat

Free Trial (Weeks)


  • Starter Plan Benefits: Includes all Starter Plan Benefits
  • 20 Workflow Rules: Expand automation capabilities.
  • AI Summarization: Condense conversations for quicker insights.
  • CRM, Zapier Integration: Connect seamlessly for enhanced functionality.
  • Advanced Analytics: Gain deeper insights into performance.
  • Website Chatbots: Engage visitors with automated live chat.

Scale Plan

Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


  • Growth Plan Benefits: Includes all Growth Plan Benefits
  • Multiple Workspaces: Organize teams more efficiently.
  • Dynamic Objects, 200 Rules: Enhanced customization and automation.
  • SSO, SCIM, Custom Permissions: Streamlined user management.
  • AI Draft Messages: Accelerate message creation with AI.
  • Onboarding, Solution Design: Tailored assistance for implementation.

Premiere Plan

Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


  • Scale Plan Benefits: Includes all Scale Plan Benefits
  • Highest Usage Caps: Expanded limits on all features.
  • Premier Onboarding: Enhanced support offerings.
  • Custom Build Hours, API Advisory: Tailored development assistance.
  • Video Conferencing Support: Integrated video meeting functionality.



Streamlining Your Collaborative Communication: Concluding Your Front Account

As your communication needs evolve or as you explore alternative collaboration platforms, Front offers a clear and efficient process to close your account. To ensure a smooth transition and avoid any unintended charges, please visit this dedicated page.

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Product FAQ

What are the core functionalities of Front, and how does it improve team email management?

Front offers features that go beyond traditional email clients:

  • Shared Inbox: Create shared inboxes for specific projects, teams, or customer support, allowing multiple team members to collaborate on email conversations and tasks.
  • Internal Notes and Collaboration: Add internal notes and tags to email threads for better context sharing and task management within your team.
  • Assigning and Tracking Tasks: Assign emails to specific team members and track their progress, ensuring accountability and clear ownership of tasks arising from email communication.

These functionalities transform email from individual communication channels to collaborative workflows, improving team efficiency and streamlining email management.

Does Front integrate with other productivity tools or applications used by my team?

Front prioritizes seamless integration:

  • App Integrations: Front integrates with various popular productivity tools like Slack, Google Calendar, and project management platforms, allowing you to manage tasks and information across different applications without switching contexts.
  • Customizable Workflows: Build custom workflows within Front to automate repetitive tasks and streamline specific communication processes within your team.

These integrations and workflow automation capabilities enhance Front’s functionality and make it adaptable to your team’s existing workflow and preferred tools.

How does Front ensure the security of team communication and sensitive information shared within the platform?

Security is a core focus for Front:

  • Data Encryption: Front utilizes industry-standard encryption methods to protect your team’s email data and communication history.
  • User Permissions and Access Control: Set granular permissions for team members, controlling their access to specific inboxes, information, and functionalities within Front.
  • Compliance Features (potential): Certain Front plans offer features like data residency options and audit logs to comply with specific data privacy regulations.

These security measures ensure your team’s communication and sensitive information remain protected within the Front platform.

How easy is it for my team to learn and adopt Front, and does the platform offer any training or support resources?

Front prioritizes user-friendliness:

  • Intuitive Interface: The platform offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies email management and collaboration, making it easy for your team to learn and adopt Front quickly.
  • Onboarding and Training Materials: Front provides comprehensive onboarding resources, training materials, and ongoing customer support to assist your team in getting the most out of the platform.

These resources ensure a smooth transition for your team and provide ongoing support to maximize the benefits of using Front for collaborative email management.

Can Front be used to manage internal communication beyond email, such as team discussions or project updates?

Front offers flexibility beyond just email:

  • Channels: Create dedicated channels for specific projects, teams, or discussions, allowing focused communication and information sharing outside of traditional email threads.
  • Internal Chat Functionality: Utilize the built-in chat functionality within Front for quick communication and real-time collaboration with team members.
  • Integrations with Project Management Tools: Connect Front with project management platforms to seamlessly integrate email communication with task management and project workflows.

These features allow Front to serve as a central hub for both internal and external communication, promoting streamlined collaboration across various channels.

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