How to Cancel inLighten Digital Signage
To cancel an inLighten Digital Signage product or service, you need to follow these steps carefully:
- Notify inLighten via the method specified in their terms and conditions. This can be done through email, a general notice on the site, or by other methods to the address you have provided to inLighten.
Contacting inLighten
- Reach out to inLighten’s customer service or support team to initiate the cancellation process. You can find the contact information on their official website.
Account and Service Cancellation
- If you have an account, inLighten may terminate your password, account (or any part thereof), or use of the website at their sole discretion. You agree that any termination of your access to the website under any provision of the Terms and Conditions may be effected without prior notice.
Specific Steps
Additional Considerations
- Be aware that inLighten does not have any obligation to perform termination of your account if such termination request is submitted by you or by any third-party on your behalf by means of telephone, fax, voice message, regular or electronic mail, unless it is done through the specified channels.
Data and Content
- Upon cancellation, inLighten may remove and discard any Content connected with your use of the website. Ensure you have backed up any necessary data before initiating the cancellation process.
By following these steps, you can effectively cancel your inLighten Digital Signage product or service while adhering to their terms and conditions.