How to Cancel KeyCreator
To fully cancel and exit the KeyCreator program, follow these steps:
Exiting the Program
- Select "Exit" from the File Menu, or click on the X button from the Windows options bar.
Handling Unsaved Changes
- If no changes have been made to open files since entering, the program will automatically close.
- If any changes had been made during the session, a Yes/No/Cancel dialog box will appear for each open file that had been modified without being saved.
YES: Select to save the current file. If the file is new and was not previously saved, you will be prompted to enter a filename. The file is saved and the program is exited.
NO: Select to exit without saving the current file.
CANCEL: Select to stop the exit sequence. The program will remain loaded.
Ending Login Authentication Session (if applicable)
- If you are using Login Authentication, closing the KeyCreator product will end the Login Activation session, making it available on any other device.
- Alternatively, you can log into the Kubotekkosmos support site and select "logout of devices" from the support site area to end the Login Activation session. Note that if a logout occurs while the KeyCreator product is still running, you will receive a "License has expired" error, and all functionality except for the File > Save operation will be disabled.