Magic Pricing & Features Overview- Subscribed.FYI
Web Development & Design


Magic, in web3, offers passwordless logins, invisible wallets, multi-chain support, enhanced security, and streamlined developer tools. Ideal for blockchain developers, crypto users, wallet providers, and web3 businesses, simplifying blockchain application development and user experience.


What is Magic?

Magic isn’t just a word for illusion or wonder anymore. In the realm of web3, Magic refers to a powerful set of tools designed to simplify user onboarding and empower developers to build secure and user-friendly blockchain applications.

Why Use Magic?

Here are some key benefits of using Magic:

  • Passwordless Logins: Magic offers a variety of passwordless login options, including email magic links, social logins, and biometrics, improving user experience and reducing security risks associated with traditional passwords.
  • Invisible Wallets: Magic simplifies crypto for users by providing invisible wallets. Users can sign transactions and manage their assets without needing to download separate wallet applications.
  • Multi-Chain Support: Magic integrates with various blockchains, offering developers flexibility in choosing the best platform for their specific needs.
  • Enhanced Security: Magic prioritizes user security by employing strong encryption methods and offering features like multi-factor authentication.
  • Streamlined Developer Experience: Magic’s developer-friendly tools and SDKs make it easy to integrate passwordless logins and wallet functionalities into blockchain applications.

Who is Magic For?

Magic caters to a broad audience within the web3 ecosystem:

  • Blockchain Developers: Magic empowers developers to build secure and user-friendly dApps (decentralized applications) with its easy-to-use authentication tools and wallet functionalities.
  • Crypto Users & Newcomers: Magic simplifies the process of entering the crypto space by offering user-friendly login options and invisible wallets, eliminating the complexity associated with traditional crypto wallets.
  • Wallet Providers: Magic can be integrated with existing wallet solutions, enhancing security and offering users a wider range of login options.
  • Web3 Businesses & Platforms: Magic empowers businesses building on the blockchain to provide a seamless user experience with secure passwordless logins and streamlined wallet management.

Magic bridges the gap between traditional web experiences and the emerging world of web3. By offering passwordless logins, invisible wallets, and a focus on security, Magic empowers developers to build user-friendly blockchain applications and simplifies the crypto experience for users of all levels.




Web Development & Design
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Embark on Your Digital Journey: Start Free with Magic’s Developer Plan!


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7% Per Year

Pricing and Features

Product Tier

Developer Plan



  • 1,000 Free MAWs: Start with up to 1,000 free monthly active wallets.
  • Flexible Pricing: $0.05/MAW up to 5,000, then $0.10/MAW.
  • 10+ Auth Options: Access a variety of authentication login options.
  • Scalable Key Management: Efficiently manage keys at scale.
  • SDKs for Web, Mobile, Gaming: Integrate easily with SDKs.
  • Support for 25 Blockchains: Works seamlessly across 25 blockchain platforms.
  • UI Widgets: Enhance UX with UI widgets for easy integration.

Enterprise Plan



  • Volume MAW Discounts: Special discounts for 5,000+ MAWs.
  • Custom Blockchain Support: Tailored support for custom blockchains.
  • Premium Auth Features: Enhanced authentication.
  • Identity Provider Integration: Seamless OIDC integration.
  • Custom API Rate Limits: Personalized API rate limits.
  • End-to-End NFT Feature: Comprehensive NFT functionality.
  • VIP Support: Priority support with guaranteed response times/SLAs.



Simplifying Your Web3 Experience: Concluding Your Magic Subscription

As your endeavors within the realm of web3 evolve and you consider alternative solutions for user onboarding and application development, Magic presents a straightforward process to terminate your subscription. To ensure a seamless transition and uphold our commitment to simplifying blockchain integration, please visit this link.

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Product FAQ

What functionalities does Magic offer, and how does it simplify Web3 user onboarding?

Magic addresses a key challenge in Web3 – complex user onboarding processes. It offers functionalities like:

  • Invisible Wallets: Users can access Web3 applications with just their email or social login, eliminating the need for managing private keys or seed phrases.
  • Multiple Authentication Methods: Provides diverse login options like email magic links, social logins, and passwordless authentication for user convenience.
  • Non-Custodial Control: Users retain complete ownership and control over their digital assets and private keys, promoting security and self-sovereignty.
  • Frictionless User Experience: Streamlines onboarding by removing complex wallet setup steps, leading to wider adoption of Web3 applications.

By offering these functionalities, Magic removes barriers to entry and creates a smoother, more user-friendly experience for those entering the Web3 world.

How do Magic's tools benefit developers building Web3 applications?

Magic empowers developers by providing:

  • Simplified User Authentication: Integrate secure and user-friendly authentication methods into their applications with minimal coding effort.
  • Multi-Chain Support: Develop applications that work across various blockchains, expanding reach and potential users.
  • Scalable Infrastructure: Leverages a battle-tested infrastructure that scales to accommodate application growth.
  • Dedicated Support: Offers dedicated support teams and development resources to assist developers in building successful Web3 applications.

Magic equips developers with the tools and infrastructure needed to focus on building innovative applications, streamlining the development process and ensuring secure user experiences.

How does Magic ensure the security of user data and digital assets?

Security is a top priority for Magic:

  • Industry-Standard Security: Employs robust security measures like encryption and access control mechanisms to protect user data.
  • Non-Custodial Wallets: Users hold their own private keys, eliminating the risk of centralized wallet compromises.
  • Regular Security Audits: Undergoes regular security audits and penetration testing to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Adheres to relevant data privacy regulations to protect user information.

These measures ensure that user data and digital assets are handled securely within the Magic platform, promoting trust and confidence in Web3 applications.

What are some use cases for Magic's functionalities beyond user onboarding?

Magic extends beyond just onboarding, offering functionalities like:

  • Fiat On-Ramps: Allows users to easily purchase cryptocurrency within applications, facilitating participation in the Web3 ecosystem.
  • White-Labeling: Developers can customize the user experience to seamlessly integrate with their application’s design and branding.
  • Data Ownership: Users have control over their data within Web3 applications, promoting transparency and user empowerment.

These functionalities provide developers with greater flexibility and control, enabling them to build even more robust and user-centric Web3 applications.

How is Magic evolving, and what are its future advancements?

Magic continuously strives to improve:

  • Advanced AI and Machine Learning: Leverage AI and machine learning for fraud prevention, risk management, and enhanced user experience.
  • Predictive Analytics: Utilize data to predict user behavior and preferences, allowing for personalized onboarding experiences.
  • Expanding Blockchain Support: Integrate with additional blockchains to further diversify the functionality of Web3 applications.

By focusing on these areas, Magic aims to remain at the forefront of Web3 user onboarding and developer tools, contributing to a secure, user-friendly, and accessible Web3 future.

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