How to Cancel Netwrix Auditor
To cancel and uninstall Netwrix Auditor, follow these steps:
Uninstallation Process
Preparing for Uninstallation
Before starting the uninstallation process, ensure you have the necessary permissions and have backed up any critical data or configurations that you might need in the future.
Uninstalling Netwrix Auditor Services
- Uninstall the Netwrix Auditor Compression and Core Services. This can be done through the Control Panel or Settings on your system, under the "Uninstall a program" or "Apps & features" section. Look for "Netwrix Auditor Compression Service" and "Netwrix Auditor Core Service" and follow the uninstallation prompts.
Uninstalling Netwrix Auditor
- After uninstalling the services, proceed to uninstall the main Netwrix Auditor application. Go to the Control Panel or Settings, find "Netwrix Auditor" in the list of installed programs, and follow the uninstallation prompts.
Removing Additional Components
- If you have installed any additional components such as the Group Policy Management Console, ADSI Edit, or Microsoft SQL Server and Reporting Services, you may need to uninstall these as well. Follow the standard uninstallation process for each of these components through the Control Panel or Settings.
Cleaning Up Configuration and Data
- Ensure all configuration files and data associated with Netwrix Auditor are removed. This may involve manually deleting files and folders related to the application, as well as removing any database instances created for Netwrix Auditor.
Reverting Active Directory and Group Policy Settings
- If Netwrix Auditor was used to manage and audit Active Directory and Group Policy settings, you may need to revert any changes made using the tool. Use the built-in tools of Active Directory to restore previous configurations if necessary.
Final Checks
- Perform a final check to ensure all components of Netwrix Auditor have been removed and that there are no remaining files or configurations that could interfere with your IT infrastructure.
By following these steps, you can fully cancel and uninstall Netwrix Auditor from your system.