How to Cancel PDS Church Office
To cancel your PDS Church Office subscription, follow these steps:
Cancellation Process
If you are considering canceling your PDS Church Office subscription, here are the steps you need to take:
Initiate Cancellation
- Use the provided form on the ACS Technologies website to initiate the cancellation of your PDS Church Office subscription. You can find this form under the cancellation section.
Offboarding Call
- Some products may require an offboarding call to ensure you understand how to download and access your information after the cancellation. Schedule this call if necessary to discuss your data and ministry needs.
Data Access and Storage
- Once your account is canceled, you will no longer have access to the program. However, your data will be stored in an encrypted location for 6 months before it is deleted.
- Support personnel will not have access to your data after cancellation.
Billing Cycle
- Cancellation will deactivate your login at the end of your current billing cycle. If your invoice is dated the 25th, for example, your billing cycle runs from the 25th to the 24th of each month.
Restoring Services
- If you need to restore your services, you can do so up to 6 months from your cancellation date by contacting ACS Technologies at 800-736-7425.
Additional Information
- During the offboarding call, ACS Technologies will help you determine a time to cancel that allows you to transfer all of your data to your next solution.
- This call also helps ACS Technologies understand your ministry needs and decisions, which aids in improving their products.
By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth cancellation process for your PDS Church Office subscription.