How to Cancel Planergy
To cancel your Planergy product subscription, follow these steps:
Notification and Timing
- You must provide written confirmation to Planergy at least 30 days prior to the annual renewal date if you wish to reduce the number of licenses or terminate the agreement. This notification should be sent to [email protected].
Termination Process
- If you initiate termination, you will be obligated to pay the balance due on your account, computed in accordance with the Charges and Payment of Fees section of the agreement.
- Planergy reserves the right to suspend or terminate your access to the service if your account becomes delinquent. During any period of suspension, you will continue to be charged for user licenses.
Account Data
- Upon termination (other than by reason of your breach), Planergy will make available to you a file of your account data within 30 days of termination if you request it at the time of termination.
- If your account is 60 days or more delinquent, Planergy has no obligation to retain your account data, and such data may be irretrievably deleted.
Payment Obligations
- Any outstanding balance will be subject to interest of 1.5% per month, or the maximum permitted by law, whichever is less, plus all expenses of collection.
- Planergy may charge unpaid fees to your credit card or otherwise bill you for such unpaid fees.
Additional Fees
- Planergy reserves the right to impose a reconnection fee if you are suspended and thereafter request access to the service.
By following these steps and adhering to the specified timelines and conditions, you can ensure a proper cancellation of your Planergy product subscription. If you have any questions or need additional information, you can contact Planergy via email at [email protected].