How to Cancel QCBD
To cancel your QCBD (Quality Collaboration By Design) product, you need to follow these steps carefully, as the process involves both administrative and technical actions.
Pre-Cancellation Steps
Notify CAMA Software: Inform CAMA Software of your intention to cancel the QCBD product. You can do this by contacting their support team via email at [email protected] or through the contact form on their website.
Uninstalling the Software
Log On with Administrative Rights: Ensure you are logged on to the server with LOCAL ADMIN rights, as this is necessary for uninstalling the software.
Stop the RE Service: If the QCBD Report Engine Service is running, you need to stop it before proceeding. You can do this through the Windows Services console or by using the RE Console application to stop the service.
Uninstall the RE Console Application:
- Navigate to the ReportEngine sub-folder on the server.
- Run the
- Select the REMOVE command to uninstall the RE Console application.
Uninstall the RE Service Application:
- Run the
(if you have it) or the original installation file provided by CAMA Software.
- Follow the uninstallation prompts to remove the RE Service application.
Removing Files and Folders
Delete QCBD Folders: Manually delete the QCBD folders and all associated files from the server. This includes the QCBD Public folder where the installation files were copied.
System Cleanup
Event Viewer Cleanup: Open the Windows Event Viewer console and clear any logs related to the QCBD Report Engine to ensure no residual data remains.
User Account Cleanup: If any QCBD user accounts were created, remove them from the system to prevent any future access or conflicts.
Final Notification
Confirm Cancellation: After completing the uninstallation and cleanup, notify CAMA Software again to confirm that the cancellation process is complete. This ensures that any subscription or support services associated with your account are terminated.
By following these steps, you can ensure a thorough cancellation of the QCBD product from your system.