How to Cancel RTG Bills
To cancel your subscription to RTG Bills Online, follow these steps:
Canceling the Subscription
- The subscription to RTG Bills Online is managed through PayPal. To cancel your subscription, you need to log in to your PayPal account.
- Go to the PayPal website and sign in to your account. This can be either a Personal or Business account.
Steps in PayPal
- Once logged in, navigate to the "Subscriptions" or "Recurring Payments" section.
- Find the subscription related to RTG Bills Online and select it.
- Follow the prompts to cancel the subscription.
- After canceling the subscription through PayPal, your access to RTG Bills Online will be terminated, and you will no longer be charged the monthly fee.
- If you encounter any issues during the cancellation process, you can contact RTG for assistance.
Additional Considerations
- Ensure you have backed up any necessary data before canceling, as access to the service will be terminated upon cancellation.
- If you need to cancel any pending or processed bills within RTG Bills Online, you should do so before canceling the subscription. To cancel a bill, use the "Cancel Bills" option in the Bills section of the RTG Bills Menu.