How to Cancel SMhack
To cancel your SMhack product order or subscription, follow these steps:
Canceling an Order
If you need to cancel an order, you typically need to act quickly before the order is too far along in the fulfillment process.
- Go to the "My Orders" or "Order History" section on the SMhack website.
- Find the order you want to cancel and look for a "Cancel" button.
- If the "Cancel" button is available, select it and cancel all items in the order. Choose the appropriate reason for cancellation.
- If the "Cancel" button is not available, it means the order is too far along in the fulfillment process and cannot be modified or cancelled.
Canceling a Subscription
For subscription cancellations, the process may vary slightly:
- Log in to your SMhack account and navigate to the subscription management section.
- Look for an option like "Manage Subscription" or "Cancel Subscription."
- Select the option to cancel your subscription and follow the prompts to complete the cancellation.
- You may need to provide a reason for cancellation.
Post-Cancellation Steps
- Once the order or subscription is fully cancelled, you will receive an email confirmation.
- If you used any eCertificates or coupons on the original order, they will be sent back to you via email within 24 hours.
Additional Tips
- Keep all documentation related to your cancellation, including emails and order numbers, in case you need to refer to them later.
- If you encounter any issues during the cancellation process, contact SMhack customer support for assistance.
Refunds and Returns
- If you have already received the product and need to return it, contact SMhack customer support to arrange for a return. They may provide a prepaid return shipping label.
- Refunds will be processed according to SMhack’s refund policy, which you can find in their terms and conditions or by contacting customer support.