How to Cancel TraCorp LMS - Subscribed.FYI
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TraCorp LMS
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TraCorp LMS


TraCorp LMS is a customizable and cost-effective learning management system designed for organizations of all sizes. It automates learning activities, including content delivery, tracking, and reporting, while supporting various content formats like SCORM and video. With scalable pricing and user-friendly tools, it is ideal for both internal and external training needs. TraCorp also offers exceptional customer support and branding flexibility to align with organizational requirements.

How to Cancel TraCorp LMS

To cancel a course or session in the TraCorp LMS, you need to follow a series of steps to ensure that the cancellation is properly tracked and communicated to the users. Here is a step-by-step guide:

Marking the Course as Cancelled

  • Navigate to the course or session you need to cancel.
  • Go to the General Settings page for the course.
  • Check the box labeled "Course is under review on TraCorp PM Site" if you need to link the cancellation to a project on the PM site for logging comments.
  • Optionally, you can add a note or comment explaining the reason for the cancellation.

Preventing New Enrollments

  • Ensure that the course or session is not listed in the content catalog by unchecking the "List in Content Catalog" setting. This prevents new users from enrolling in the cancelled course.
  • If the course is already listed, remove it from the catalog to prevent further enrollments.

Notifying Users

  • Use the Email Options Page to send a notification to enrolled students and admins about the cancellation.
    • Select "Email Students" and choose a template to inform them about the cancellation.
    • Optionally, select "Email Admins" to notify administrators about the cancellation.

Updating Course Status

  • Since there is no explicit "cancel" status, you can use a workaround by setting specific statuses:
    • You can use the "Content is NOT mobile friendly" setting to display a message to learners that the content is not available, although this is not ideal.
    • Alternatively, you could set a custom tag or description indicating that the course is cancelled.

Tracking Cancellations

  • To keep track of the cancellation, use the Content Date Range setting to set an end date for the course, ensuring it is no longer accessible after that date.
  • You can also exclude the course from the content expiration system by selecting "Exclude from Content Expiration System" on the Content Expiration Page, if this feature is enabled in your LMS.

Associated Resources and Recommendations

  • If necessary, update any associated resources or recommended content to reflect the cancellation.
    • Go to the Associated Resources Page and remove any resources that should no longer be associated with the cancelled course.
    • On the Recommended Content Page, remove any recommendations that point to the cancelled course.

Final Steps

  • Ensure all changes are saved and the course is updated accordingly.
  • Double-check that the course is no longer accessible or visible to users in the catalog.

By following these steps, you can effectively cancel a course or session in the TraCorp LMS while maintaining accurate tracking and communication with users.

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