How to Cancel Treatwell
To cancel a Treatwell booking or gift card, you need to follow these specific guidelines:
Cancellation of Dated Bookings and Widget Bookings
- You can cancel a Dated Booking or Widget Booking up to 24 hours prior to your appointment to receive a full refund.
- To cancel, you can use one of the following methods:
- Use your Treatwell account via the website or app (if available).
- Click on the link in your Order Confirmation email.
- Contact the partner directly.
- Email the Treatwell Customer Experience team via the provided web form.
- If you cancel within the 24 hours leading up to your appointment, you will not be eligible for a refund.
Rescheduling Dated Bookings
- If you wish to reschedule your appointment, you must do so at least 1 hour before the scheduled time.
- You can reschedule via the website or app, by following the link in your Order Confirmation, by contacting the Customer Experience team, or directly with the partner.
- If the appointment is not due to take place within the next 24 hours, you will receive a refund if rescheduling is not possible. However, if the appointment is due to take place within the next 24 hours, no refund will be given.
Cancellation of Treatwell Gift Cards
- You can cancel a Treatwell Gift Card within 14 days of receiving your Order Confirmation and receive a full refund, provided the gift card has not been used to book an appointment or redeemed against another purchase.
- Cancellations of Treatwell Gift Cards must be made by emailing the Customer Experience team via the provided web form.
General Cancellation Procedure
- If you need to cancel an order before receiving an Order Confirmation, notify the Customer Service Team immediately.
- For cancellations after receiving an Order Confirmation, refer to the specific cancellation policy for Dated Bookings or Treatwell Gift Cards.
Additional Notes
- If a cancellation is attempted after a Treatwell Gift Card has been fully redeemed, no refund will be given.
- Treatwell reserves the right to deactivate a customer’s account for breaches of the Booking Terms and Conditions or inappropriate behavior towards staff or partners.