How to Cancel WinSPC - Subscribed.FYI
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WinSPC is powerful statistical process control software designed for manufacturers to enhance production efficiency and quality. It enables real-time process monitoring, detects deviations, and executes predefined actions to prevent production issues like scrap and rework. With audit trails, live dashboards, and customizable reports, WinSPC ensures compliance and informed decision-making across operations. It integrates seamlessly with measuring devices, making data entry accurate and reliable.

How to Cancel WinSPC

To cancel or terminate a WinSCP session or script, you can follow these steps:

Terminating a WinSCP Script

If you are running a script using, the exit command at the end of the script will terminate the WinSCP session. However, if you need to ensure that the batch script continues executing after the WinSCP session, you might need to structure your script carefully.

Using Separate Scripts

One approach is to split your batch script into two parts: one for the WinSCP commands and another for the subsequent commands. Here is an example:

@echo off
"C:Program Files (x86)" /log="X:cmeftp_filesDailyLogWinSCP.log" /ini=nul /command "open sftp://acoscftp:""@NLJlxS<mqq"" -hostkey=""ssh-rsa 2048 jnrVgUsNrZ+VmunhM0XrnWnlc2gVhSBOK+jFx5vQoMc=""" "cd Outgoing" "get -filemask=""CME*.zip>=5D"" -transfer=binary /cme/ftp/OSC/Outgoing x:CMEftp_filesDownload" "exit"
call subsequent_script.bat

Handling Failed Sessions

If a WinSCP session fails, there is no simple way to immediately kill the session. You may need to:

  • Wait for the session to time out.
  • Manually kill the WinSCP process using the Task Manager.

Command-Line Parameters

For more control over the session, you can use specific command-line parameters. For example, you can specify a timeout using the /timeout parameter:

"C:Program Files (x86)" /log="X:cmeftp_filesDailyLogWinSCP.log" /ini=nul /command "open sftp://acoscftp:""@NLJlxS<mqq"" -hostkey=""ssh-rsa 2048 jnrVgUsNrZ+VmunhM0XrnWnlc2gVhSBOK+jFx5vQoMc=""" /timeout=30 "cd Outgoing" "get -filemask=""CME*.zip>=5D"" -transfer=binary /cme/ftp/OSC/Outgoing x:CMEftp_filesDownload" "exit"

This will set a timeout of 30 seconds for the session.

By structuring your scripts and using appropriate command-line parameters, you can manage and terminate WinSCP sessions effectively.