Usersnap Pricing & Features Overview- Subscribed.FYI
User Experience


Usersnap is a visual feedback and bug tracking platform designed for development teams, designers, project managers, and QA teams. It streamlines communication by allowing users to capture and annotate screenshots, report bugs, and provide feedback directly within the context of websites or applications.


What is Usersnap?

Usersnap is a visual feedback and bug tracking platform that facilitates communication between development teams and stakeholders. With a focus on visual collaboration, Usersnap allows users to capture and annotate screenshots, report bugs, and provide feedback directly within the context of a website or application, streamlining the feedback loop in the development process.

Why Use Usersnap?

In the realm of visual feedback and bug tracking, Usersnap excels by:

  • Visual Bug Reporting: Usersnap enables users to capture and annotate screenshots, highlight issues, and add comments, providing clear and visual bug reports for development teams.
  • Feedback Collaboration: Usersnap fosters collaboration between teams and stakeholders by allowing them to communicate directly on visual elements of a website or application, reducing the chances of miscommunication.
  • Cross-browser Testing: Usersnap supports cross-browser testing, allowing users to capture and compare screenshots across different browsers to ensure a consistent user experience.
  • Integration: Usersnap integrates seamlessly with project management tools, issue trackers, and collaboration platforms, streamlining the workflow between design, development, and project management teams.

Who is Usersnap For?

Usersnap is suitable for a variety of users, including:

  • Development Teams: Development teams use Usersnap to receive clear visual bug reports and feedback, facilitating efficient bug resolution and improving collaboration with stakeholders.
  • Designers: Designers leverage Usersnap to collaborate with development teams and clients by providing visual feedback on design elements directly within the context of the website or application.
  • Project Managers: Project managers utilize Usersnap to streamline communication between teams, track bugs and issues, and ensure efficient collaboration throughout the development process.
  • Quality Assurance (QA) Teams: QA teams benefit from Usersnap’s visual bug reporting capabilities to identify and communicate issues in a clear and concise manner, leading to faster issue resolution.

Usersnap offers a powerful solution for visual feedback and bug tracking, enhancing collaboration between development teams and stakeholders. Whether you’re a developer, designer, project manager, or part of a QA team, Usersnap provides the tools needed to streamline the feedback and bug tracking process in the development lifecycle.




User Experience
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Pricing and Features

Product Tier


Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • 3 Team Members: Collaborate with a small team on projects.
  • 10 Projects: Manage up to 10 projects simultaneously.
  • 1 Concurrent Screenshot: Capture and annotate one screenshot at a time.
  • 10,000 Screenshots per Month: Collect up to 10,000 screenshots monthly.
  • Basic Integrations: Integrate with essential tools for workflow efficiency.
  • Feedback Widget: Gather user feedback directly on your website or application.
  • Email Support: Receive support via email for assistance.


Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • 10 Team Members: Expand your collaboration with a larger team.
  • 30 Projects: Manage a more extensive portfolio of up to 30 projects.
  • 3 Concurrent Screenshots: Simultaneously capture and annotate three screenshots.
  • 50,000 Screenshots per Month: Collect a higher volume of screenshots monthly.
  • Advanced Integrations: Integrate with a wider range of tools for enhanced workflows.
  • Real-time Collaboration: Collaborate in real-time with team members.
  • Priority Email Support: Access priority support via email for quicker assistance.


Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • Unlimited Team Members: Collaborate with an unlimited number of team members.
  • Unlimited Projects: Manage an unlimited number of projects simultaneously.
  • 5 Concurrent Screenshots: Simultaneously capture and annotate five screenshots.
  • 100,000 Screenshots per Month: Collect an even higher volume of screenshots monthly.
  • Enterprise Integrations: Integrate with enterprise-level tools for seamless workflows.
  • SSO (Single Sign-On): Implement secure single sign-on for your team.
  • Dedicated Success Manager: Receive personalized assistance with a dedicated success manager.


Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • Custom Team Size: Tailor the plan to your organization’s specific team size.
  • Custom Projects: Adjust the plan to handle your organization’s project volume.
  • Custom Concurrent Screenshots: Set the number of concurrent screenshots based on your needs.
  • Custom Screenshots per Month: Define the monthly screenshot quota based on your usage.
  • Custom Integrations: Integrate with custom and specialized tools as needed.
  • Custom Support Package: Receive a customized support package for optimal assistance.
  • Onboarding and Training: Benefit from personalized onboarding and training sessions.



Steps to Cancel Usersnap Subscription.
If you want to cancel your Usersnap subscription, you can do it easily by following these steps. You can also switch to a different plan or downgrade to the free version if you wish. For more information, please visit Usersnap Cancellation Guide.

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Product FAQ

What is Usersnap, and how does it facilitate visual feedback and bug tracking?

Usersnap is a visual feedback and bug tracking platform that allows teams to collect feedback, report bugs, and collaborate visually on website and application projects. It provides tools for capturing screenshots, annotating images, and gathering contextual information, streamlining the communication between users, developers, and designers during the development process.

What are the key features of Usersnap for visual feedback and bug tracking?

Usersnap offers a range of features to enhance visual feedback and bug tracking, including:

  • Screenshots with Annotations: Users can capture and annotate screenshots, providing detailed feedback on specific elements.
  • Feedback Collection: Gather feedback directly from users or team members with customizable feedback forms.
  • Collaboration Tools: Facilitate collaboration with comment threads, assigning tasks, and real-time discussion.
  • Bug Tracking: Report and track bugs efficiently with detailed information and reproduction steps.
  • Integration with Development Tools: Seamlessly integrate with project management and issue tracking tools for improved workflow.

How user-friendly is Usersnap for teams with varying technical expertise?

Usersnap is designed to be user-friendly, catering to teams with varying technical expertise. The intuitive interface and straightforward tools make it easy for both technical and non-technical team members to provide and understand visual feedback. This helps in fostering collaboration among different stakeholders involved in a project.

Can Usersnap be integrated with other project management and development tools?

Yes, Usersnap supports integrations with a variety of project management and development tools. This includes popular platforms such as Jira, Trello, Slack, and more. Integration capabilities ensure that visual feedback and bug tracking seamlessly fit into existing workflows and development processes.

How secure is data on Usersnap, and what measures are in place for data protection?

Usersnap prioritizes the security of user data. The platform employs encryption protocols for data in transit and at rest. Access controls and authentication mechanisms are implemented to ensure that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive feedback and bug tracking information. Usersnap also complies with industry-standard security practices and data protection regulations.

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