Monetize Your Code: Sell GitHub Repository Access in Minutes with Suparepos - Subscribed.FYI

Monetize Your Code: Sell GitHub Repository Access in Minutes with Suparepos

- Web Development & Design

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Monetize Your Code: Unlock the Potential with Suparepos

Sell GitHub Repository Access in Minutes

In the fast-paced world of coding, turning your creations into revenue shouldn’t be a hassle. Introducing Suparepos, the NextJS / Supabase / Stripe / Tailwind boilerplate that equips you with all the tools to sell access to your GitHub repositories effortlessly.

Why Choose Suparepos?

In just 5 minutes, Suparepos allows you to initiate a seamless process of selling access to your repositories. Let’s explore the features and benefits that make Suparepos the go-to solution for monetizing your code.

Get Started with Suparepos – Buy Now!

Ready to take the plunge into monetization? Purchase Suparepos now and unleash the power of cutting-edge technologies bundled into one boilerplate.

Buy Suparepos

The Suparepos Advantage

Swift Implementation

With Suparepos, you can quickly sell access to your repositories, enabling you to launch faster and monetize your code effortlessly.

Versatile Usage

Whether you’re marketing a SaaS boilerplate, a React component library, or a premium version of an MIT-licensed project, Suparepos caters to your unique needs.

Immediate Access

Upon purchase, gain immediate read access to the repository, including the landing page, UI elements, essential logic, and information needed for the selling process.

Simple Customization

Clone the repository, customize the landing page to align with your product, integrate seamlessly with your Supabase instance, and start selling within minutes.

How Suparepos Works

  1. Buy the Suparepos Boilerplate: Purchase Suparepos to get instant access to the boilerplate.
  2. Customize the Landing Page: Clone the repository and tailor the landing page to suit the repositories you want to sell.
  3. Configure Supabase: Set up the database by loading the migration SQL file and configuring other settings.
  4. Setup GitHub: Create a GitHub app for social login and generate a long-term token to access your repositories via API.
  5. Configure Stripe: Set up products and pricing on Stripe, and they will be automatically shown on your landing page.
  6. Deploy Your Customized Boilerplate: Deploy your tailored landing page on Vercel in just one click.
  7. Start Selling: With everything in place, you can start selling access to your repositories and generate revenue.

The All-in-One Starter Kit – Suparepos Main Features

Secure User Management and GitHub Authentication with Supabase

Customers sign up using their GitHub account, ensuring secure and seamless authentication.

Powerful Data Access & Management with Supabase

Supabase-js connects the UI with the backend, providing robust tools for data access and management on top of PostgreSQL.

Automatic Syncing with Stripe Webhooks

Changes to products or prices automatically synchronize with the Supabase database, streamlining the process.

Automatic Pricing Table Generation

The pricing table, including the features list, is automatically generated from the Stripe pricing object.

Integration with Stripe Checkout

Secure payments are guaranteed with the Stripe Checkout page, enhancing the trust of your customers.

One-Time Payments

Suparepos supports one-time pricing for a given product, providing flexibility in your monetization strategy.

Automatic Repository Invitation Upon Payment

Customers are automatically invited to your repository with the defined access level upon successful payment.

Customer Dashboard for Past Purchases

Customers can log in and review all previous purchases, including downloading receipts or invoices.

Real-Time Notifications with EveryLog (Optional)

Receive real-time notifications for every sale, keeping you informed and engaged.

Soon: Support for Subscription-Based Products

Stay tuned for upcoming support for selling access to your repositories on a subscription-based model.

Watch a Tutorial Video – See Suparepos in Action

Learn how to leverage the Suparepos boilerplate with a step-by-step tutorial video. Configure a handful of variables, and the boilerplate will automatically retrieve products and prices from your Stripe product catalog.

Conclusion: Monetize Your Code Effortlessly with Suparepos

In conclusion, Suparepos is your all-in-one solution to monetize access to your GitHub repositories. Say goodbye to repetitive coding, sell efficiently, and achieve profitability quickly!

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