Creativity Tests: Exploring Assessment Types - Subscribed.FYI

Creativity Tests: Exploring Assessment Types

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Creativity Tests: Exploring Assessment Types

Creativity is a multifaceted trait crucial for problem-solving and innovation in today’s dynamic business landscape. Employers recognize the importance of assessing candidates’ creative potential through various tests. In this comprehensive blog, we will delve into the intricacies of four distinct types of creativity tests, shedding light on how each type provides unique insights into an individual’s imaginative thinking. Additionally, we’ll introduce relevant SaaS products designed to streamline the recruitment process and amplify overall team creativity.

Divergent Thinking Tests: Unleashing Creative Potential

Divergent thinking is a key aspect of creativity, focusing on the ability to generate a variety of unique and original ideas. Tests for divergent thinking play a crucial role in assessing this skill. SaaS tools like Miro not only facilitate collaborative brainstorming but also provide a virtual canvas where teams can collectively explore diverse concepts. This not only enhances the hiring process but also contributes to fostering a culture of innovation within the organization.

1. Convergent Thinking Tests: Navigating Problem-Solving Skills

In contrast, convergent thinking tests evaluate an individual’s ability to find a single, correct solution to a given problem. Convergent thinking is critical for effective problem resolution. Platforms like Cognify offer cognitive assessments, including tasks that gauge convergent thinking abilities. By leveraging such tools, employers can efficiently identify candidates with strong problem-solving skills, crucial for creative solutions in the workplace.

2. Remote Creativity Tests: Adapting to Modern Work Environments

The advent of remote work has necessitated the adaptation of creativity assessments to virtual settings. HireVue is a cutting-edge video interviewing platform that integrates creativity assessments seamlessly. This ensures that employers can evaluate candidates’ innovative thinking abilities, adapting to the evolving work landscape, and ensuring a smooth and efficient hiring process.

3. Scenario-Based Creativity Tests: Mimicking Real-World Challenges

Situational judgment tests, often based on real-world scenarios, provide valuable insights into candidates’ creativity in problem-solving. Situational judgment tests have become integral to the hiring process. SaaS products like Vervoe specialize in scenario-based assessments, offering employers a powerful tool to assess how candidates approach and solve challenges, facilitating informed hiring decisions.

4. Visual Creativity Tests: Assessing Design and Imagination

For roles requiring visual creativity, assessments such as the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking have gained popularity. SaaS tools like Canva not only excel in design but also offer collaborative features. These features enable teams to assess and enhance visual creativity collectively, fostering an environment of shared innovation.

Recommended SaaS Products

  • Miro – A collaborative online whiteboard platform that enhances brainstorming and creative collaboration.
  • Cognify – Offers cognitive assessments, including tasks that gauge convergent thinking abilities, aiding in effective problem resolution.
  • HireVue – A video interviewing platform that seamlessly integrates creativity assessments, adapting to the demands of remote work.
  • Vervoe – Specializes in scenario-based assessments, providing insights into candidates’ creativity in real-world problem-solving.
  • Canva – A versatile design tool that assesses visual creativity and offers collaborative features for team innovation.


In conclusion, creativity tests play a pivotal role in identifying individuals with the innovative potential to drive success in a variety of roles. Understanding the nuances of divergent and convergent thinking, adapting to remote work environments, utilizing scenario-based assessments, and assessing visual creativity are essential components of a holistic recruitment strategy. Employers can build dynamic, creative teams ready to tackle the challenges of the modern business landscape.

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