How to Strikethrough Text in Slack - Subscribed.FYI

How to Strikethrough Text in Slack

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How to Strikethrough Text in Slack

If you’re using Slack for communication, you might want to add some flair to your messages by using text formatting. One useful formatting option is strikethrough text, which can help you emphasize edits or deletions in your messages. In this blog, we’ll show you how to strikethrough text in Slack, as well as introduce some relevant SaaS products that can enhance your Slack experience.

Understanding Text Formatting in Slack

Text formatting in Slack is simple and versatile. Slack supports several formatting options, such as bold, italics, and strikethrough. These formatting options can be applied using simple text commands, making it easy to enhance your messages.

To strikethrough text in Slack, you need to use the tilde (~) symbol. By placing two tildes before and after the text you want to strikethrough, you can easily apply this formatting. For example, typing ~~strikethrough~~ will display as strikethrough in your message. This feature can be particularly useful for emphasizing changes or corrections.

Step-by-Step Guide to Strikethrough Text in Slack

  1. Open a Slack Channel or Direct Message: Begin by navigating to the Slack channel or direct message where you want to send your formatted text.
  2. Type Your Message: Start typing your message as usual.
  3. Add Strikethrough Formatting: To strikethrough a portion of your text, place two tildes (~~) before and after the text segment. For example, typing ~~completed task~~ will show as completed task.
  4. Send Your Message: After applying the strikethrough formatting, hit the Enter key to send your message.

Practical Use Cases for Strikethrough Text

Strikethrough text can be incredibly useful in various scenarios within Slack:

  1. Editing Messages: When you need to correct or update information, using strikethrough can help highlight the changes.
  2. Task Management: Strikethrough can be used to indicate completed tasks in a checklist or project update.
  3. Emphasizing Deletions: If you want to emphasize that certain information is no longer relevant, strikethrough is an effective way to do so.

Enhancing Slack with Relevant SaaS Products

Slack’s functionality can be further enhanced by integrating it with other SaaS tools. Here are five SaaS products that can improve your Slack experience:

  1. Trello: Trello is a project management tool that integrates seamlessly with Slack. It allows you to manage tasks and projects, and you can receive updates and notifications directly in Slack.
  2. Zoom: Zoom integration with Slack makes it easy to start video calls and meetings directly from your Slack workspace, enhancing communication and collaboration.
  3. Asana: Asana is a powerful task management tool that integrates with Slack to streamline workflows and improve team productivity.
  4. Zapier: Zapier connects Slack with thousands of other apps, automating workflows and ensuring that your tools work together seamlessly.


Learning how to strikethrough text in Slack is a simple yet powerful way to improve your communication. Whether you’re correcting information, managing tasks, or emphasizing deletions, this formatting option can enhance the clarity and effectiveness of your messages. By integrating relevant SaaS products, you can further enhance your Slack experience, making it a more powerful tool for communication and collaboration.

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