Plausible - Subscribed.FYI
Marketing & Analytics


Plausible is a privacy-friendly web analytics tool that provides clear and actionable insights without cookies or tracking scripts. It caters to website owners, small businesses, content creators, and privacy advocates, prioritizing data security and transparency.


What is Plausible?

Plausible is a simple and privacy-friendly web analytics tool that helps website owners understand their visitors without compromising on data privacy. Their platform provides insightful analytics without the use of cookies or tracking scripts, ensuring a secure and transparent user experience.

Why Use Plausible?

In the realm of web analytics tools, Plausible stands out by:

  1. Privacy-Focused Approach: Plausible prioritizes user privacy by offering analytics solutions that do not rely on invasive tracking methods, ensuring a secure browsing experience for website visitors.
  2. Simplicity and Transparency: With a clean and intuitive interface, Plausible provides website owners with clear and actionable insights into their site traffic, without overwhelming them with unnecessary data or complex metrics.
  3. Cookie-Free Analytics: Plausible operates without the use of cookies, eliminating the need for intrusive tracking scripts and enhancing the overall user experience on websites that implement their analytics tool.
  4. Data Security: Plausible places a strong emphasis on data security, ensuring that website owners can trust their analytics data and make informed decisions based on accurate and reliable information.

Who is Plausible For?

Plausible caters to a wide range of users, including:

  1. Website Owners: Website owners who value data privacy and transparency can benefit from Plausible’s analytics tool to gain valuable insights into their site traffic without compromising on user privacy.
  2. Small Businesses: Small businesses looking for a simple and effective web analytics solution can turn to Plausible for clear and actionable data that helps them make informed decisions to improve their online presence.
  3. Content Creators: Bloggers, writers, and content creators can leverage Plausible to understand their audience and optimize their content strategy, all while respecting the privacy of their readers.
  4. Privacy Advocates: Individuals and organizations committed to promoting online privacy and data security can support Plausible’s mission by using their analytics tool and advocating for a more transparent and privacy-friendly web.

In summary, Plausible offers a valuable solution for website owners and businesses seeking privacy-focused web analytics tools. By prioritizing user privacy, simplicity, and transparency, Plausible empowers users to make informed decisions based on reliable data while upholding ethical standards in data collection and analysis.




Marketing and Analytics
2 months free trial
Plausible Analytics – Get 2 Months Free Trial

Pricing and Features

Product Tier


Free Trial (Weeks)




Yearly Price


  • Up to 3 team members
  • Up to 10 sites
  • 3 years of data retention
  • Intuitive, fast and privacy-friendly dashboard
  • Email/Slack reports
  • Google Analytics import
  • Goals and custom events


Free Trial (Weeks)


Monthly Price


Yearly Price


  • Everything in Growth
  • Up to 10 team members
  • Up to 50 sites
  • 5 years of data retention
  • Stats API (600 requests per hour)
  • Custom Properties
  • Funnels
  • Ecommerce revenue attribution
  • Priority support




  • Everything in Business
  • 10+ team members
  • 50+ sites
  • 600+ Stats API requests per hour
  • Sites API access for reselling
  • 5+ years of data retention
  • Technical onboarding



Steps to Cancel Plausible Subscription.

Canceling your Plausible Subscription is a straightforward process. You can follow a few simple steps to initiate the cancellation or explore options to switch to a different plan. For detailed instructions, refer to Plausible Cancellation Guide.

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Product FAQ

What is Plausible?

Plausible is a simple, privacy-friendly alternative to Google Analytics that helps website owners track their website traffic without compromising user data.

How does Plausible protect user privacy?

Plausible uses anonymized data and does not track individual users or collect any personal information. It also does not use cookies or store any data that can be used to identify individual users.

Can I use Plausible on my website?

Yes, Plausible is easy to set up and can be used on any website, regardless of size or traffic volume. Simply add a snippet of code to your website and start tracking your website traffic in real-time.

What kind of insights can I get from Plausible?

Plausible provides website owners with key metrics such as page views, unique visitors, bounce rate, and average visit duration. It also offers detailed reports on traffic sources, popular pages, and user engagement.

Is Plausible free to use?

Plausible offers a free plan with limited features for small websites. Paid plans are available for larger websites and offer additional features such as custom domains, advanced filters, and email reports.

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