Substack Video: Seamless Video Post Publishing with Transcripts and Subscriptions - Subscribed.FYI

Substack Video: Seamless Video Post Publishing with Transcripts and Subscriptions

- Video Communication

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Substack Video: Elevating Your Content Creation Experience


Discover the latest in content creation with the new and improved Substack Video. Substack is taking a leap forward in enhancing the video publishing experience, making it seamless, interactive, and tailored to your audience’s needs.

The Evolution of Substack Video

Creating Video

Video Podcasts Made Easy

Are you a podcaster? Say goodbye to unlisted YouTube links! With Substack Video, you can now upload videos directly and choose to automatically publish the audio as a podcast episode. Explore new possibilities for engaging your paid subscribers with exclusive material.

Flexible Paywalls

Extend your business strategy to video podcast episodes with Substack’s flexible paywalls. Offer a preview of premium content to free subscribers, seamlessly transitioning into a prompt for paid subscriptions.

AI-Generated Transcripts

Every video post, whether podcast or standalone, automatically comes with an AI-generated transcript. Enhance the viewing experience by including the transcript on the post page, allowing viewers to jump to specific sections in the video.

Watching Video

Enhanced Viewing Experience

Enjoy a better viewing experience across all platforms—web, email, and the mobile app.

New Look for Video Posts on the Web

Video posts now feature a larger video player at the top of the page, providing a more immersive experience. A new section invites visitors to subscribe, with links to your recent video posts.

iOS App Upgrades

For iOS users, the media player now seamlessly supports audio-only episodes, video episodes, and standalone video posts. The Home tab’s reading queue provides a preview of the video, and video posts shared to Notes will autoplay without sound.

Sharing Video

Custom Shareable Clips

Substack Video introduces custom shareable clips, allowing readers and viewers to create and share personalized video clips. These clips can be shared as links directing traffic to the full video or downloaded for sharing on popular platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

Bringing the Substack Model to Video

The Power of Creator Ownership

The Substack model empowers creators, offering ownership and control of content and relationships. This model has proven successful for writing and audio, making creators less vulnerable to the unpredictable algorithms of traditional social media.

The Home for Great Video

Substack Video is not just a platform; it’s a place for creative freedom, direct connections, and a business built on subscriptions. As a powerful toolkit for video creators, Substack allows you to upload video episodes and automatically publish audio to major podcast networks.

Get Started with Substack Video

Ready to embark on your video creation journey? Start your Substack and explore the powerful toolkit for video creators.

Get the iOS App

Get the Android App


As Substack continues to evolve, it promises to explore more formats, giving creators the power to publish in whatever way suits them best. Join the Substack Video revolution and experience creative freedom, direct connections, and a thriving business model built on subscriptions.

Optimize Your Content Creation Workflow with Subscribed.FYI

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Subscriptions with Subscribed.FYI. Trusted by 5000+ businesses, Subscribed.FYI seamlessly manages subscriptions for SMBs and SaaS providers. Sign up for free at and gain access to exclusive member-only deals with 100+ SaaS tools.

How Subscribed.FYI Enhances Your Content Creation Experience:

  • Expense Control: Seamlessly manage your subscription expenses with Subscribed.FYI, aligning with the efficient workflow of Substack Video.
  • Exclusive Deals: Just as Substack Video offers a unique solution for content creation, Subscribed.FYI provides access to exclusive member-only deals on SaaS tools, enhancing your toolkit.
  • Insights and Reminders: Subscribed.FYI offers insights on your subscriptions, complementing the streamlined approach of Substack Video by keeping you informed and organized.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance both your content creation and subscription management experiences—visit to sign up for free and get a free trial for the pro feature. Empower your creative journey with the combined capabilities of Substack Video and Subscribed.FYI today!

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