Number of Products to Start Dropshipping: Determining Inventory Size - Subscribed.FYI

Number of Products to Start Dropshipping: Determining Inventory Size

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Number of Products to Start Dropshipping: Determining Inventory Size

Starting a dropshipping business involves critical decisions, and one of the key considerations is the number of products to offer. In this guide, we’ll delve into the factors that influence this decision and explore relevant SaaS products to streamline your dropshipping venture.

Factors Influencing the Inventory Size

1. Niche Specificity

Choosing a specific niche allows you to tailor your product selection to a targeted audience. Consider starting with a focused range of products within your chosen niche.

2. Supplier Availability

Evaluate the availability of reliable suppliers for your chosen products. Ensure that your suppliers can consistently fulfill orders and maintain product quality.

3. Market Demand

Research market demand to understand which products are trending and have a higher likelihood of generating sales. This can help you decide the optimal number of products to start with.

4. Operational Capacity

Assess your operational capacity, including order processing and customer service. Starting with a manageable number of products allows you to deliver a better customer experience.

5. Marketing Strategy

Consider your marketing strategy. A focused product range allows you to allocate marketing resources more effectively, increasing visibility and potential sales.

Relevant SaaS Products for Efficient Dropshipping

1. Oberlo

Oberlo (Shopify app) simplifies product sourcing and importing. It helps manage a specific product range seamlessly.

2. Algopix

Algopix provides market insights by analyzing product demand, helping you make informed decisions on your inventory size.

3. Inventory Source

Inventory Source automates product uploads and inventory updates, crucial for maintaining accuracy with a focused product range.

4. Sell The Trend

Sell The Trend identifies trending products and provides insights into their market performance, aiding in niche-specific inventory decisions.

5. QuickBooks Commerce

QuickBooks Commerce helps manage inventory efficiently, ensuring that the products you start with are well-tracked and organized.


Determining the number of products to start dropshipping is a strategic decision that depends on various factors. By understanding your niche, supplier availability, market demand, operational capacity, and marketing strategy, you can make informed choices for your inventory size. Leverage the power of relevant SaaS tools to streamline your dropshipping operations.

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Explore Subscribed.FYI Deals to unlock secret deals tailored to enhance your dropshipping efficiency. From inventory management to market analysis, discover how Subscribed.FYI can optimize your SaaS stack for a successful dropshipping journey.

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