AllSpice - Subscribed.FYI

AllSpice is a Git platform designed specifically for hardware engineers.  AllSpice is building modern software tools for hardware designers, including a Git-friendly translation layer and automated CI/CD test framework tailored for native ...


What is is a Git platform designed for hardware engineers, offering a collaboration platform for circuit designs. It aims to enable the next generation of smart vehicles, IoT devices, rockets, medical devices, robots, and more by providing modern software tools for hardware designers. includes a Git-friendly translation layer and an automated CI/CD test framework tailored for native circuit designs, similar to GitHub for electronics.

Why Use excels in the following areas:

  1. Hardware Revision Control: provides efficient revision control of files, ensuring accuracy and sanity in hardware development.
  2. Collaboration: brings people together from various disciplines, including hardware development, and enables seamless collaboration with other teams and third parties.
  3. Design Process Management: allows users to manage their design process from idea to production, offering a streamlined workflow that can be customized to their team’s needs.
  4. Automation: offers automation features, such as generating PCB, schematic, and BOM redlines that automatically highlight design changes, and creating templates and checklists for new design reviews.
  5. Data Utilization: helps users utilize their data to the fullest potential by connecting their ecosystem through integrations, automation, and a powerful API.

Who is For? caters to a wide range of users:

  1. Hardware Engineers: is designed for individuals, startups, and mid-size organizations involved in hardware development.
  2. Enterprises: offers enterprise solutions for complex implementation needs, integrations, security, hosting options, compliance, and tailored group onboarding. is a valuable tool for hardware engineers and organizations seeking to enhance collaboration, improve time-to-market speeds, and reduce development costs in their hardware development process.


AllSpice IO

Free Usage for Community
Free Educational Tier for Robotics and Electrical Engineering Clubs


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