Formula for Inventory Cycle: Calculating the Inventory Management Cycle - Subscribed.FYI

Formula for Inventory Cycle: Calculating the Inventory Management Cycle

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Formula for Inventory Cycle: Calculating the Inventory Management Cycle

Efficient inventory management is a cornerstone of successful businesses. Understanding and optimizing the inventory cycle is crucial for maintaining a balance between supply and demand. In this article, we’ll delve into the formula for the inventory cycle, offering insights into its calculation and exploring relevant SaaS products that can streamline this process.

Calculating the Inventory Cycle: A Formulaic Approach

The inventory cycle represents the time it takes for goods to move through a business, from procurement to sales. The formula to calculate the inventory cycle involves key components:

Inventory Cycle Time=Average InventoryCost of Goods Sold (COGS) per Period

Breaking it down:

  • Average Inventory: Determine the average inventory during a specific period.
  • COGS per Period: Calculate the cost of goods sold during the same period.

Relevant SaaS Products for Inventory Management

  1. TradeGecko:
    • Streamline inventory tracking, order management, and demand forecasting.
  2. Zoho Inventory:
    • Manage your inventory, sales orders, and shipments efficiently.
  3. Fishbowl Inventory:
    • Offers advanced inventory management features and integration capabilities.
  4. Cin7:
    • Cloud-based inventory management with comprehensive automation.
  5. DEAR Systems:
    • Inventory management, purchase orders, and order fulfillment in one platform.


In conclusion, mastering the formula for the inventory cycle is pivotal for businesses seeking optimal efficiency in their supply chain. Accurate calculations empower organizations to make informed decisions, minimize holding costs, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Discovering the right tools to manage your inventory cycle is essential. Subscribed.FYI simplifies this journey, providing a centralized platform where you can access insights into various SaaS tools. By signing up for Subscribed.FYI Deals, you can unlock exclusive member-only deals and enjoy significant savings on a wide range of SaaS tools, contributing to efficient inventory management and cost savings.

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