Specify 2.0: Empower Your Design System with the Ultimate Design Token Engine - Subscribed.FYI

Specify 2.0: Empower Your Design System with the Ultimate Design Token Engine

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Empower Your Design System with Specify 2.0: The Ultimate Design Token Engine

Welcome to the forefront of design systems evolution with Specify 2.0. This cutting-edge Design Token Engine redefines how you manage your design tokens, offering flexibility and power to craft the precise workflows your design system demands.

Unleashing the Power of Specify 2.0

The Design Token Revolution

Specify 2.0 stands as your design token engine, providing unparalleled capabilities to shape the design token processes crucial for your Design System. With advanced features like Aliases, Modes/Themes & Collections, Specify 2.0 breaks free from limitations, making your design token workflow as flexible and powerful as ever.

Trusted by Industry Leaders

Pitch, Dashlane, Epic Games, and many more industry leaders trust Specify for its capabilities in elevating design system management. Join the ranks of those who have embraced Specify to revolutionize their design processes.

Transforming Design System Workflows

Unified Design Language

Centralize tokens from various sources, including Figma, GitHub, Notion, Raycast, and more. Ensure a consistent design language across all your digital products with Specify, supporting over 50 token types.

Effortless Collaboration

Specify fosters collaboration by providing a shared space where designers can sync design tokens seamlessly. Developers can integrate these tokens effortlessly into their platforms, promoting a unified design system across teams.

Customizable Workflows

Tailor Specify to fit your team’s unique workflow. Regardless of how specific your design and development processes are, Specify adapts to your needs, ensuring a harmonious collaboration between designers and developers.

Easy Setup and Instant Output

Specify makes life easy for designers and customizable for developers. With a swift setup process, designers experience unparalleled ease, while developers enjoy a highly customizable platform.

Sync Your Tokens Anywhere

Compatible with Figma, GitHub, Notion, Raycast, and more, Specify ensures seamless synchronization. The REST API and CLI further enhance connectivity, allowing you to extend the reach of your design tokens.

Customize Outputs Effortlessly

Leverage Specify’s open-source parsers to generate design tokens and assets aligned with your company standards. The possibilities are vast with Specify’s support for various platforms and formats.

Enhancing Efficiency and Quality

Stay Flexible and Scale

Sync tokens from multiple sources to one repository effortlessly. Specify supports scaling, allowing you to extract tokens in any structure using SDK, GitHub integration, or CLI.

Reduce Error Margins

Collaboration has never been easier, resulting in fewer errors and redundant meetings. Any change made is seamlessly communicated across teams, ensuring consistency.

Automate Your Workflow

Automate the sync, conversion, and optimization of your design tokens and vectors with Specify. Set up automated pull requests with GitHub integration and witness significant time savings for your design and development teams.

Prioritize Quality

Prioritize quality effortlessly with Specify. When your processes are well-adopted, quality becomes a natural outcome. Let Specify assist you in prioritizing the quality of your digital products.

The Evolution: Specify 2.0

Specify has been at the forefront of resolving distribution issues between design and code. With the launch of Specify 2.0, the platform takes a giant leap forward. Based on the Specify Design Token Format (SDTF), this new format enables advanced features such as Aliases, Modes, and Collections.

What’s New in Specify 2.0?

  • New Repository: Sync design tokens from Figma, Tokens Studio, or JSON files into a single repository, a significant enhancement that boosts your starting point.
  • SDK: Unlock limitless possibilities to work with your design tokens. Structurize, transform, rename, and manipulate tokens in any form, giving you control over your design system.
  • SVG Compatibility: Automatically collect, store, distribute, and optimize your SVGs in the same repository as your tokens. Output them in any format you wish using parsers or the SDK.
  • Extended Parser List: A growing list of parsers provides versatility in output options, from CSS to React, Tailwind, JavaScript, TypeScript, React Native, Flutter, Style Dictionary, and more.

Embrace the Future of Design Tokens with Specify 2.0

Specify 2.0 is not just a platform; it’s a statement about the future of design tokens. The newly introduced features, along with the Specify Design Token Format, lay the foundation for compatibility between your design and code.

How Can You Contribute?

  • Try Specify 2.0: Import your design tokens, play with parsers, CLI, SDK, and the playground to experience the capabilities firsthand.
  • Spread the Word: Share Specify 2.0 with your design and frontend dev teams, as well as your designer friends. Your feedback accelerates the platform’s growth.
  • Challenge Us: If you’re missing a parser or wondering about a specific output, challenge Specify by sharing your preferences on GitHub.

As we step into the future of design tokens in 2024, Specify 2.0 is ready for the journey. The platform aims to add more features, improve collaboration, introduce new parsers, and enhance the SDK. Your feedback is crucial in shaping the future of Specify.

Relevant Products

  • Figma – Collaborative interface design tool, compatible with Specify for centralized token management.
  • GitHub – Version control platform with seamless integration for syncing design tokens.
  • Notion – All-in-one workspace with compatibility to store and distribute design tokens through Specify.
  • Raycast – Developer-focused platform compatible with Specify for streamlined token synchronization.
  • Tailwind CSS – A highly customizable CSS framework, supported by Specify’s parsers for effortless integration.


In conclusion, Specify 2.0 marks a significant milestone in the evolution of design systems. Its power to empower organizations, streamline workflows, and ensure brand consistency is unmatched. As we look forward to the platform’s future developments, now is the perfect time to embrace Specify 2.0 and revolutionize your design token workflows.

Embark on a transformative journey with Specify 2.0, alongside these relevant tools, and witness the revolution in design token management.

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