How to Cancel FanExam for NPS
To cancel your FanExam account and stop using their Net Promoter Score (NPS) product, you can follow these steps:
Account Cancellation
Log in to your FanExam account: Go to the FanExam website and log in with your credentials.
Navigate to Account Settings: Typically, this can be found in a profile or settings menu. If you can’t find it, look for a help or support section that might guide you to the right place.
Find the Cancel Subscription Option: In the account settings, look for an option to cancel your subscription or delete your account. This might be labeled as "Cancel Subscription," "Delete Account," or something similar.
Confirm Cancellation: You will likely be prompted to confirm that you want to cancel your subscription. Follow the prompts to complete the cancellation process.
Removing Integration from Google Analytics
Log in to Google Analytics: Go to your Google Analytics account and select the property where you integrated FanExam.
Navigate to Admin: Click on the "Admin" link from the top menu.
Remove Custom Dimension:
- Under the "PROPERTY" column, select "Custom Definitions" and then click on "Custom Dimensions."
- Find the "NPS FanExam" custom dimension and click on it.
- Click the "Delete" button to remove this custom dimension.
Remove Event Tracking:
- Go to the "Events" section under the "BEHAVIOR" menu.
- Look for events categorized under "NPS_FanExam" and remove any associated event tracking.
Removing FanExam JavaScript Snippet
Access Your Website Code: Log in to your website’s backend or CMS where you installed the FanExam JavaScript snippet.
Locate and Remove the Snippet: Find the FanExam JavaScript code snippet in your website’s HTML and remove it to prevent any further data collection.
Final Check
Verify Cancellation: Ensure that your subscription is canceled and no further charges will be made.
Check for Remaining Data: Verify in Google Analytics that the custom dimension and event tracking for FanExam have been removed.
By following these steps, you should be able to fully cancel your FanExam account and remove the integration from your Google Analytics setup.