How to Cancel Instantly AI Subscription - Subscribed.FYI
Marketing & Analytics

Instantly AI

Instantly AI is a platform for businesses to efficiently find, contact, and close ideal clients. It offers Automated Outreach, Deliverability Network, Sales Engagement, B2B Lead Database, and AI-Powered CRM for streamlined client acquisition.

How to Cancel Instantly AI Subscription

Contemplating discontinuing your subscription with Instantly AI? This guide facilitates a streamlined cancellation process, ensuring the termination of your subscription and any associated plans.

Subscription Cancellation:

Instantly AI provides a straightforward method for canceling your subscription. Here’s how to proceed:

  1. Access Billing Section: Log in to your Instantly AI account on their website.
  2. Navigate to Billing: Look for the “Billing” section within your account interface. This is typically found under your account settings or profile options.
  3. Cancel Individual Plans (if applicable): If you have multiple active plans, you can cancel individual plans instead of the complete subscription. Locate the option to “Cancel Plan” next to the specific plan you wish to terminate.
  4. Confirmation Process: When you click on “Cancel Plan,” you may either be directed straight to a confirmation prompt or to a cancellation feedback form if you have a single primary plan.
  5. Complete Cancellation Form (if applicable): If prompted, fill out any required fields in the cancellation feedback form. This may include confirming your cancellation date and providing feedback.
  6. Confirm Cancellation: After submitting the cancellation form or confirming the cancellation prompt, your plan will be scheduled for termination at the end of your current billing cycle.

Important Considerations:

  • Billing Cycle: Your plan will remain active until the end of the current billing cycle, which operates from a specific date to date rather than a standard 30-day cycle.
  • Data Retention: Ensure to inquire about Instantly AI’s data retention policies if you have concerns about the storage of your personal information after cancellation.
  • Alternative Solutions: Evaluate whether you need ongoing access to business tools provided by Instantly AI before finalizing your cancellation. Explore alternative solutions if necessary to meet your business needs.

By following these steps, you can effectively cancel your subscription with Instantly AI, ensuring a smooth process without unnecessary complications.

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