How to Cancel Quizizz Subscription - Subscribed.FYI
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Quizizz transforms learning with gamified quizzes, fostering engagement and knowledge retention. Educators benefit from real-time assessment, diverse question formats, and collaborative activities, while students of all ages enjoy interactive, fun learning experiences.

How to Cancel Quizizz Subscription

Considering discontinuing your subscription with Quizizz? This guide facilitates a streamlined process for canceling your subscription, ensuring a clear and professional termination of services.

Subscription Cancellation:

Quizizz offers an in-app functionality for subscription cancellation. Here’s how to proceed:

  1. Account Access: Begin by logging into your Quizizz account via the Quizizz website.
  2. Settings Navigation: Locate the “Settings” section. This is typically found on the left navigation pane of your Quizizz dashboard.
  3. Plan Management: Scroll down to the bottom of the “Settings” page where you will find the “Cancel Plan” option.
  4. Cancellation Initiation: Click on the “Cancel Plan” option to initiate the cancellation process.
  5. Confirmation Steps: Follow any on-screen prompts to confirm your cancellation request. You may be asked to provide a reason for cancellation or confirm your decision on multiple screens.

Important Considerations:

  • Non-Payment Policy: Quizizz reserves the right to downgrade or revoke your subscription in case of non-payment. Ensure all outstanding payments are settled before initiating the cancellation to avoid any issues.
  • Data Access: Before canceling your subscription, consider exporting any essential data or information from your Quizizz account as access to certain features or data may be restricted after cancellation.
  • Review Alternatives: Before finalizing your cancellation, assess whether you require similar services or functionalities offered by alternative platforms. This evaluation ensures that your classroom engagement and learning activities remain uninterrupted post-cancellation.

By following these steps, you can efficiently terminate your Quizizz subscription and discontinue any associated services. This process ensures a smooth and professional end to your subscription with Quizizz.

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