How to Cancel Postman Subscription - Subscribed.FYI
Web Development & Design


Postman simplifies the API lifecycle, from design to deployment. It fosters collaboration, enhancing efficiency for developers and teams with comprehensive tools, ensuring seamless development and management of APIs worldwide.

How to Cancel Postman Subscription

Contemplating discontinuing your relationship with Postman? This guide facilitates a streamlined closure process, ensuring the cessation of your subscription and any associated services.

Subscription Cancellation:

Postman offers an online functionality for subscription cancellation. Here’s how to proceed:

  1. Account Access: Begin by logging into your Postman account via the Postman website on your preferred web browser.
  2. Billing Navigation: Once logged in, navigate to the “Billing” section. This can typically be found within your account settings or profile options.
  3. Plan and Payments: In the “Billing” section, select the “Plan and Payments” option. This will lead you to the “Overview” tab where you can manage your subscription details.
  4. Cancellation Initiation: Scroll to the bottom of the “Overview” tab and locate the “Cancel plan” option. Click on this option to initiate the cancellation process.
  5. Confirmation Steps: Follow the on-screen prompts to confirm your cancellation request. You may be required to provide a reason for cancellation or confirm your decision on multiple screens.

Important Considerations:

  • Role Requirements: Ensure you have the necessary permissions to cancel the plan. Only users with the Billing or Super Admin role can execute the cancellation process.
  • Billing Cycle: Be aware that your cancellation may not take effect immediately if there are billing cycles involved. Verify the exact termination date to avoid any unexpected charges.
  • Data Access: Consider exporting any essential data from your Postman account before canceling your subscription, as access to certain features or data may be restricted after cancellation.
  • Review Alternatives: Before finalizing your cancellation, assess whether you require similar services or functionalities offered by alternative platforms. This evaluation ensures that your workflow remains uninterrupted post-cancellation.

By following these outlined steps, you can efficiently cancel your Postman subscription and discontinue any associated services. This process ensures a clear and professional end to your subscription relationship with Postman.

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