Smartsheet Pricing & Features Overview - Subscribed.FYI
Project Management


Smartsheet is a versatile work management and collaboration platform with a grid-based interface, ideal for project managers, teams, and IT professionals. It supports project and task management, fosters collaboration, and offers automation features to enhance efficiency in work processes.


What is Smartsheet?

Smartsheet is a versatile work management and collaboration platform that empowers teams and organizations to streamline their work processes. With a focus on flexibility, Smartsheet provides tools for project management, task tracking, collaboration, and automation, making it a valuable solution for teams across various industries.

Why Use Smartsheet?

In the realm of work management and collaboration, Smartsheet excels by:

  • Grid-Based Interface: Smartsheet uses a familiar grid-based interface, similar to spreadsheets, allowing users to organize and manage tasks, projects, and data in a structured and visually intuitive manner.
  • Project and Task Management: Smartsheet supports project and task management, enabling teams to plan, track, and collaborate on projects with features such as Gantt charts, dependencies, and automated workflows.
  • Collaboration and Communication: The platform fosters collaboration with features for sharing sheets, commenting on tasks, and real-time updates, ensuring that team members stay connected and informed.
  • Automation: Smartsheet includes automation capabilities to eliminate manual tasks, automate workflows, and enhance overall efficiency in work processes.

Who is Smartsheet For?

Smartsheet is suitable for a diverse range of users, including:

  • Project Managers: Project managers use Smartsheet to plan and manage projects, create Gantt charts, and track progress with a visual and collaborative approach.
  • Teams and Departments: Teams and departments leverage Smartsheet for task tracking, collaboration, and project coordination, enhancing communication and productivity.
  • Sales and Marketing Teams: Sales and marketing teams utilize Smartsheet for campaign planning, lead tracking, and collaborative project management to drive success in their initiatives.
  • IT Professionals: IT professionals use Smartsheet for managing software development projects, tracking IT tasks, and ensuring smooth collaboration within their teams.

Smartsheet stands out as a versatile work management platform, offering a grid-based approach to project and task management. Whether you’re a project manager, part of a team or department, or an IT professional, Smartsheet provides the tools needed to streamline work processes, enhance collaboration, and achieve project success.




Project Management
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100% Per Year

Pricing and Features

Product Tier


Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • Collaborative Work Execution: Enhance collaboration on projects and tasks.
  • Grid, Card, Gantt View: Choose from different project views.
  • Automated Workflows: Streamline processes with automated workflows.
  • Resource Management: Optimize resource allocation.
  • Reports and Dashboards: Generate reports and visual dashboards for insights.
  • Mobile Access: Access and manage work on the go.
  • Integration with Apps: Connect with third-party applications.


Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • All Free Features:
    • Grid, Card, Gantt View.
    • Automated Workflows.
    • Mobile Access.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: More users for collaborative work.
  • Activity Log: Track changes and project history.
  • Report History: Access historical versions of reports.
  • Personal Workspace: Organize work in a personal workspace.


Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • Grid View: Create and organize tasks in a spreadsheet-style grid.
  • Card View: Visualize tasks with a card-based view.
  • Gantt View: Plan and manage projects with a Gantt chart.
  • Automated Actions: Set up basic automation for repetitive tasks.
  • File Attachments: Attach files to tasks for reference.
  • Mobile Access: Manage work on mobile devices.
  • 10 Sheets per Workspace: Limited to 10 sheets per workspace



On Request

  • All Business Features:
    • Collaborative Work Execution.
    • Grid, Card, Gantt View.
    • Automated Workflows.
    • Resource Management.
  • Enhanced Security Controls: Advanced security and access controls.
  • Premium App Integrations: Integrate with premium third-party apps.
  • Admin Center: Centralized administration for user management.
  • Data Insights and Analytics: Advanced reporting and analytics tools.
  • API Access: Develop custom integrations with the API.



Steps to Cancel Smartsheet Subscription.
If you want to cancel your Smartsheet subscription, you have a few options depending on your situation. You can cancel your trial or paid subscription online, by phone, or by email. For detailed instructions, refer to their Help Center or contact their customer service. Alternatively, you can switch to a free plan and keep using Smartsheet’s features with limited functionality. To switch to a free plan, follow the steps in this article.

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Product FAQ

What is Smartsheet, and how does it support project and workflow management?

Smartsheet is a cloud-based platform that facilitates project management, collaboration, and automation of workflows. It provides users with spreadsheet-like interfaces, allowing them to organize tasks, track progress, and collaborate in real-time. Smartsheet is versatile and applicable across various industries for managing projects and improving team efficiency.

What are the key features of Smartsheet for project management?

Smartsheet offers a range of features for effective project management, including:

  • Grid View: Organize tasks and data in a familiar spreadsheet format.
  • Gantt Chart View: Visualize project timelines and dependencies.
  • Automations: Streamline repetitive tasks and workflows with automation.
  • Collaboration Tools: Facilitate real-time collaboration with comments, attachments, and notifications.
  • Resource Management: Allocate resources efficiently and track team workloads.

How customizable is Smartsheet to fit different business processes?

Smartsheet is highly customizable to accommodate diverse business processes. Users can create custom sheets, forms, and reports tailored to their specific needs. Additionally, the platform supports integrations with third-party applications, enhancing its adaptability to various workflows and industry requirements.

Can Smartsheet be used for more than just project management?

Yes, Smartsheet is a versatile platform that extends beyond project management. It can be utilized for tasks such as:

  • Task and Work Management: Organize and track individual and team tasks.
  • Resource Planning: Efficiently allocate and manage resources across projects.
  • Data Visualization: Create charts and dashboards to visualize project and business data.
  • Collaborative Workspaces: Foster collaboration and communication among team members.

How secure is data on Smartsheet, and what measures are in place for data protection?

Smartsheet prioritizes data security and compliance. The platform adheres to industry-standard security protocols, including encryption in transit and at rest. It also offers features such as access controls, audit logs, and enterprise-level security options to protect sensitive data and ensure regulatory compliance.

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