Boosting Product Quality with Rakuten SixthSense TAP - Subscribed.FYI

Boosting Product Quality with Rakuten SixthSense TAP

- Project Management

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In the fast-paced world of software development, quality is paramount. The race to deliver products with ever-increasing complexity and functionality often results in testing challenges. Traditional testing methods struggle to keep up with the pace of innovation, leading to delayed releases and decreased product quality. To address these challenges, Rakuten SixthSense offers a game-changing solution – the Test Acceleration Platform (TAP).

The Power of Test Acceleration

Maximize efficient resource utilization and deliver quality value propositions ahead of schedule with our cutting-edge Test Acceleration Platform. TAP is poised to revolutionize your testing process, elevating your product quality and speeding up your time-to-market. But what makes TAP so unique?

A Single No-Code Automation Platform

TAP empowers your testing workflow with a unified, no-code Automation Platform that covers all your testing needs. Whether it’s GUI, API, Mobile, End-to-End, or Manual Testing, TAP has you covered. The benefits are clear:

  • No-Code, Low-Code Platform: With TAP, anyone in your team can create, execute, and maintain test cases. This eliminates bottlenecks and accelerates the testing process.
  • Self-Healing Test Cases: Tired of dealing with test case flakiness? TAP reduces test maintenance by introducing self-healing test cases, making your testing process more robust.

Seamless Integrations with DevOps Tools

TAP seamlessly integrates with your everyday DevOps tools, making it an essential part of your development pipeline. The key features include:

  • Model-Based Testing: TAP increases test coverage by automatically generating test scenarios based on models and navigation paths.
  • Automation and Manual Testing: It combines comprehensive testing capabilities in one platform. Simplify test case creation and accelerate automation with API testing and GUI testing using the GUI recorder feature.
  • Mobile Testing: Ensure your application’s functionality and compatibility across different mobile devices and platforms.
  • Comprehensive End-to-End Testing: Validate the entire workflow and functionality effortlessly.

Test Case Management and Requirement Traceability Matrix

TAP streamlines your manual and automation Test Case Management by mapping test cases to requirements. This ensures that all requirements are tested and validated. With TAP, you get:

  • A centralized view of mapped requirements and test cases for simplified tracking and managing testing progress.
  • A history of test case versions for easy tracking of changes, comparisons, and rollbacks, allowing for a better analysis of the impact on test coverage.
  • A built-in review mechanism and the ability to comment on test cases, ensuring effective collaboration among your teams and improved test quality.
  • Effortless migration from any tools, enabling a smooth transition to TAP.

Flexible Test Executions

TAP simplifies test executions, offering one-click test executions with no infrastructure and tool hassles. It supports parallel and serial executions, improving testing efficiency. Additionally, you can define and manage the execution schedule of tests using Test Scheduler without manual intervention.

Integration Capabilities

TAP enhances collaboration by integrating with popular tools like Jira for better traceability and issue tracking. It enables continuous testing by seamlessly integrating with popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins, Bamboo, GitHub, and CircleCI. These integrations streamline test executions within your existing workflows.

Reports and Analytics

With TAP, you gain valuable insights into your testing process. Its intuitive dashboards provide insights on test executions, fail trends, test plans, and success rates. You can view, share, and download summary and individual reports from test executions. TAP offers real-time visibility and actionable insights, ensuring you’re always in control.

Why Do You Need TAP?

The software testing landscape is riddled with challenges that can hinder product quality and time-to-market. These challenges include:

  • Data scattered across multiple tools and frameworks.
  • Disconnected data flow at every stage of Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC).
  • Time-consuming manual coding for test automation.

Rakuten SixthSense’s TAP solution offers a way forward:

  • Enables testing from the requirements stage, shifting testing left.
  • Targets test cases when the application changes, automatically deprecating or updating tests.
  • Speeds up test automation with built-in infrastructure using a codeless algorithm and SaaS.
  • Focuses on targeted testing when the application changes, with automatic selection of regression tests.
  • Offers centralized test reports, simplifying your quality assurance process.

In a world where software quality is non-negotiable, Rakuten SixthSense’s TAP is your trusted ally. Enhance product quality, reduce time-to-market, and experience a testing revolution like never before. Unlock the potential of TAP, and watch your product quality soar to new heights. To stay updated with the latest from Rakuten SixthSense, visit their Product Hunt page and embark on your journey to superior product quality. For real-time updates and insights, follow Rakuten SixthSense on Twitter.

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