Fullstory Pricing & Features Overview- Subscribed.FYI
Marketing & Analytics


FullStory is a digital experience platform offering session replay, heatmaps, and analytics. It empowers UX/UI designers, product managers, marketers, and customer support teams to understand, analyze, and optimize user interactions for an enhanced digital experience.


What is FullStory?

FullStory is a comprehensive digital experience platform that provides businesses with powerful tools to understand, analyze, and optimize the online experiences of their users. With advanced features such as session replay, heatmaps, and analytics, FullStory empowers organizations to gain deep insights into user behavior, identify pain points, and enhance the overall digital experience.

Why Use FullStory?

In the realm of digital experience analytics, FullStory excels by:

  • Session Replay: FullStory offers session replay capabilities, allowing businesses to watch recordings of user sessions to understand exactly how users interact with their websites or applications. This visual representation is invaluable for identifying areas of improvement.
  • Heatmaps: Visualize user interactions with heatmaps, which highlight areas of high engagement or frustration. Heatmaps provide a clear understanding of where users click, move, and spend the most time on a webpage.
  • Analytics and Insights: FullStory provides detailed analytics and insights into user behavior, allowing businesses to track key metrics, understand conversion funnels, and make data-driven decisions to optimize the user experience.
  • Error Tracking: Identify and troubleshoot user issues with FullStory’s error tracking capabilities. Businesses can proactively address errors and bugs that may impact user satisfaction.

Who is FullStory For?

FullStory caters to a diverse range of users:

  • UX/UI Designers: Designers use FullStory to gain a deep understanding of user interactions, allowing them to refine user interfaces, improve usability, and enhance overall user experience.
  • Product Managers: Product managers leverage FullStory to analyze user behavior, track feature adoption, and make informed decisions to optimize product offerings and features.
  • Digital Marketers: Marketers use FullStory’s analytics to understand user journeys, identify conversion bottlenecks, and refine marketing strategies for improved user engagement and retention.
  • Customer Support Teams: FullStory is valuable for customer support teams to visually understand user issues and provide more targeted and effective support.

FullStory serves as a comprehensive digital experience platform, offering powerful tools for businesses to gain insights into user behavior, optimize digital experiences, and drive continuous improvement. Whether you’re a UX/UI designer, product manager, digital marketer, or part of a customer support team, FullStory provides the analytics and insights needed to enhance the overall online user experience.




Marketing and Analytics
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11% Per Year

Pricing and Features

Product Tier



On Request

  • Tagless Web Autocapture: Capture web interactions without the need for manual tagging.
  • Mobile Analytics (Beta): Gain insights into mobile user behavior for a comprehensive view.
  • Session Replay: Replay user sessions to understand interactions and user experience.
  • Core Product Analytics: Analyze essential product metrics for informed decision-making.
  • Timely Segment Alerts: Receive alerts based on timely segment changes for proactive insights.
  • Automated Journey Mapping: Automatically map user journeys to visualize customer experiences.
  • Conversion Analysis: Analyze and optimize conversion paths for increased success rates.
  • Retention Analysis: Understand user retention patterns to enhance customer loyalty.
  • Data Export: Export data for further analysis or integration with other tools.
  • Role-Based Permissions: Control access with role-based permissions for secure collaboration.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO): Streamline access and enhance security with Single Sign-On.
  • Multi-Org Management (Beta): Manage multiple organizations seamlessly for scalability.
  • Premium Support: Receive premium support for dedicated assistance and guidance.



On Request

  • Tagless Web Autocapture: Capture user interactions on your website without the need for manual tagging.
  • Mobile Analytics (Beta): Gain insights into mobile user behavior for a comprehensive understanding.
  • Session Replay: Replay user sessions to understand their journey and interactions with your platform.
  • Core Product Analytics: Access foundational analytics to track key metrics and user engagement.
  • Timely Segment Alerts: Receive alerts in real-time based on user segments for immediate action.
  • Automated Journey Mapping: Automatically map user journeys to identify patterns and pain points.
  • Conversion Analysis: Analyze and optimize conversion funnels for improved performance.
  • Retention Analysis: Understand user retention patterns to enhance long-term engagement.
  • Data Export: Easily export data for further analysis and integration with other tools.



On Request

Free Trial (Weeks)


  • Tagless Web Autocapture: Capture web interactions without the need for manual tagging.
  • Mobile Analytics (Beta): Gain insights into mobile user behavior with beta mobile analytics.
  • Session Replay: Review and analyze user sessions to understand their interactions.
  • Core Product Analytics: Access essential analytics to track and measure the performance of your core product features.



Steps to Cancel FullStory Subscription.

Canceling your FullStory subscription is a simple process. For detailed instructions, please refer to the official FullStory support page: FullStory Subscription Cancellation Guide.

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Product FAQ

What is FullStory, and how does it enhance user experience analytics?

FullStory is a comprehensive digital experience analytics platform that empowers businesses to understand and optimize user experiences on their websites and applications. It provides insights through session replay, heatmaps, and analytics, enabling teams to identify issues, enhance usability, and ultimately improve overall user satisfaction.

How can I start using FullStory for user experience analytics?

To start using FullStory:

  1. Visit the FullStory website at https://www.fullstory.com/ and sign up for an account.
  2. Integrate the FullStory tracking code into your website or application.
  3. Access the FullStory dashboard to explore session replays, heatmaps, and analytics.
  4. Utilize the platform’s features to gain valuable insights into user behavior and interactions.

What are the key features of FullStory?

FullStory offers a variety of features for user experience analytics, including:

  • Session Replay: Watch real-time recordings of user sessions to understand their interactions.
  • Heatmaps: Visual representations of user engagement and interaction hotspots.
  • Analytics: Track and analyze user journeys, conversions, and overall site performance.
  • Error Tracking: Identify and resolve errors or issues impacting user experiences.
  • Searchable Session Data: Easily search and filter session data to find specific user interactions.

How does FullStory assist in identifying and resolving user experience issues?

FullStory assists in issue resolution by:

  • Session Replay: Providing a detailed playback of user sessions to identify pain points and challenges.
  • Error Tracking: Alerting teams to errors or issues within the user experience.
  • Analytics: Offering insights into user behavior, drop-off points, and conversion bottlenecks.
  • User Journey Analysis: Enabling teams to understand the complete user journey and identify areas for improvement.

Can FullStory be used to analyze mobile and web applications?

Yes, FullStory is designed to analyze both mobile and web applications. It provides:

  • Mobile Session Replay: Record and analyze user sessions on mobile devices.
  • Mobile Heatmaps: Visualize user engagement and interaction patterns on mobile interfaces.
  • Cross-Platform Analytics: Gain insights into user behavior across various platforms for a holistic understanding of the user experience.
  • Responsive Design Analysis: Assess how users interact with responsive design elements on different devices.

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