Framer Pricing & Features Overview- Subscribed.FYI
Web Development & Design


Framer is an advanced design and prototyping tool that seamlessly integrates visual design and coding for crafting interactive interfaces. Ideal for UI/UX designers, product managers, and developers, Framer enables the creation of detailed and responsive prototypes, fostering collaboration and efficient design-to-development workflows.


What is Framer?

Framer is an advanced design and prototyping tool tailored for the digital realm. With a focus on bridging the gap between static design and interactive prototyping, Framer empowers designers to craft detailed, responsive, and animated interfaces for web and mobile applications. By offering a fusion of visual design tools and integrated coding capabilities, Framer provides a comprehensive platform for both designers comfortable with code and those who prefer traditional visual design techniques.

Why Use Framer?

In the evolving landscape of digital design, Framer stands out by:

  • Interactive Prototyping: Framer allows designers to transform static designs into animated, interactive prototypes. This capability provides a more realistic representation of the end product, aiding stakeholders in visualizing the final outcome.
  • Flexibility: Catering to both code-savvy designers and visual thinkers, Framer supports a dual workflow. Designers can choose to work with visual tools or delve into the integrated code editor for more advanced interactions, providing flexibility and creative freedom.
  • Responsive Design: Framer ensures that designs look exceptional across all devices. With built-in tools for responsiveness, designs automatically adapt to various screen sizes and orientations, optimizing user experiences on different platforms.
  • Instant Feedback: Through simulating user interactions, designers can instantly test and iterate, ensuring optimal user experiences before any actual coding begins. This iterative process enhances the efficiency and precision of the design phase.

Who is Framer For?

Framer is built for a diverse audience:

  • UI/UX Designers: Professionals in UI/UX design leverage Framer’s capabilities to prototype rich interactions, animations, and transitions, ensuring the digital products they design are both aesthetically pleasing and functional.
  • Product Managers & Stakeholders: With the ability to visualize interactive prototypes, Framer makes it easier for non-designers to understand a project’s direction and provide valuable feedback, fostering collaboration between design and product teams.
  • Developers: The integration of design and code in Framer allows developers to gain a clearer understanding of intended interactions and animations, smoothing the handoff process and facilitating efficient collaboration with designers.

Framer distinguishes itself in the design tool landscape by offering a comprehensive platform that blends the best of visual design and code-based prototyping. Whether you’re a designer, a developer, or someone overseeing a digital project, Framer provides the tools needed to bring interactive digital products to life.




Web Development & Design
Forever Free plan
Framer Free Forever: Collaborate, Design, and Innovate for Tiny Teams!


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6% Discount on Around Subscription Cost
6% Per Year

Pricing and Features

Product Tier


Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • For Hobby Sites: Framer features tailored for hobby projects.
  • Framer Domain: Get a dedicated domain for your projects.
  • Framer Banner: Showcase your work with a Framer banner.


Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • For Larger Sites: Tailored features designed for larger websites.
  • Unlimited Pages: Create an unlimited number of pages for expansive content.
  • Analytics + Cookies: Access analytics and implement cookies for detailed insights.
  • Staging Environment: Utilize a staging environment for safe and controlled testing.
  • 10 CMS Collections: Manage content effectively with 10 CMS collections.
  • 200,000 Visitors/Month: Accommodate up to 200,000 visitors per month for scalability.
  • 300 Page Search: Conduct thorough searches with a robust 300-page search capability.


Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • Custom Domain: Personalize your site’s URL with a custom domain.
  • Home and 404 Pages: Design and customize both home and 404 error pages.
  • 1,000 Visitors/Month: Accommodate up to 1,000 visitors per month for your site.


Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • 150 Pages: Create up to 150 pages for a comprehensive personal site.
  • Password Protect: Secure your site with password protection for privacy.
  • 1 CMS Collection: Organize content efficiently with one CMS collection.
  • 10,000 Visitors/Month: Accommodate up to 10,000 monthly visitors for increased reach.
  • 10 Page Search: Facilitate navigation with a 10-page search functionality.

Business Custom


On Request

  • Custom Editors: Tailor editors to meet the specific needs of your organization.
  • Unlimited Workspaces: Create and manage an unlimited number of workspaces for versatile projects.
  • Centralized Invoice: Simplify billing processes with centralized invoice management.
  • Dedicated Support: Receive dedicated support for swift assistance.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO) for Members: Enhance security and streamline access with SSO for organization members.
  • 90-Day Version History: Access version history for up to 90 days for comprehensive project tracking.
  • 100GB File Storage: Enjoy ample file storage with 100GB capacity for your organization’s assets.

Team Basic

Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • Live Collaboration: Collaborate in real-time with live collaboration features.
  • Comments: Provide and receive feedback with integrated comment capabilities.
  • Up to 5 Editors: Work with up to 5 editors for collaborative design efforts.
  • 1GB File Storage: Store files conveniently with 1GB of storage space.
  • 7-Day Version History: Access version history for up to 7 days for project tracking.



Steps to Cancel Framer Subscription.
Canceling your Framer subscription is a straightforward process. For detailed instructions, please refer to the official Framer support page: Framer Subscription Cancellation Guide.

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Product FAQ

What is Framer, and how does it empower designers and developers in interactive prototyping?

Framer is a powerful design and prototyping tool that empowers designers and developers to create interactive and visually engaging prototypes. It provides a comprehensive platform for designing user interfaces, animations, and interactive components, facilitating seamless collaboration between design and development teams.

How can I start using Framer for interactive prototyping?

To start using Framer:

  1. Visit the Framer website at and sign up for an account.
  2. Download and install the Framer desktop application.
  3. Start a new project and utilize Framer’s design and prototyping features.
  4. Collaborate with team members by sharing prototypes for feedback and iteration.

What are the key features of Framer?

Framer offers a range of features for interactive prototyping and design, including:

  • Design Tools: Robust design tools for creating UI elements, animations, and transitions.
  • Interactive Components: Create interactive and responsive components with ease.
  • Real-Time Collaboration: Collaborate with team members in real-time, facilitating seamless teamwork.
  • Code Editor: Integrate custom code to enhance and fine-tune interactions.
  • Preview and Testing: Preview prototypes on multiple devices for accurate testing.

How does Framer support collaboration between designers and developers?

Framer supports collaboration through:

  • Real-Time Sharing: Share prototypes with team members for instant feedback.
  • Design Handoff: Generate design specs and assets for developers using Framer’s design handoff features.
  • Custom Code: Developers can integrate custom code directly into the prototypes for seamless design-to-code transitions.
  • Comments and Annotations: Add comments and annotations for clear communication within the design environment.

Can Framer be used for both design and code integration?

Yes, Framer is designed for both designers and developers and allows for seamless integration between design and code. It offers:

  • Visual Design Tools: Intuitive tools for designers to create UI elements and animations visually.
  • Code Editor: Developers can enhance and customize interactions using the integrated code editor.
  • Component Overrides: Designers and developers can collaborate on interactive components with easy overrides.
  • Interactive Design Environment: Framer provides an environment where design and code work together harmoniously for efficient prototyping.

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