Joplin Pricing & Features Overview- Subscribed.FYI
Open Source


Joplin, the open-source note-taking app, prioritizes flexibility and security. With markdown formatting, cross-platform accessibility, encryption, and customization, it's ideal for students, writers, professionals, and privacy-conscious users, providing effortless organization of thoughts and knowledge.


What is Joplin?

Joplin isn’t just another note-taking app; it’s a powerful, open-source platform designed to organize your thoughts and ideas effortlessly. Forget cluttered interfaces and restrictive features – Joplin prioritizes flexibility and security, offering a seamless way to capture, format, and access your notes across all your devices, offline first.

Why Use Joplin?

Struggling with messy notes scattered across different apps and platforms? Joplin offers a compelling solution:

  • Open-source and free: Joplin’s code is openly available, fostering transparency and allowing customization like importing Evernote notes. You’ll never be locked in or face hidden costs.
  • Offline first: Access your notes anytime, anywhere, even without an internet connection. Joplin prioritizes local storage, ensuring your information is always available.
  • Powerful markdown formatting: Create beautifully structured notes with rich text formatting, images, attachments, and even code snippets. Markdown makes note-taking expressive and flexible.
  • Cross-platform accessibility: Use Joplin on Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. Your notes seamlessly sync across all your devices, keeping you organized on the go.
  • Encryption and privacy: Protect your sensitive information with end-to-end encryption. Joplin keeps your notes secure, whether you use personal cloud storage or your own server.
  • Highly customizable: Adapt Joplin to your workflow with plugins and themes. Integrate with services like Dropbox or Todoist, or tailor the interface to suit your preferences.

Who is Joplin For?

Joplin welcomes anyone who wants to organize their thoughts and knowledge effectively. It’s perfect for:

  • Students and learners: Capture classroom notes, organize research materials, and create study guides with rich formatting and tags.
  • Writers and researchers: Craft ideas, draft blog posts, or manage complex projects with flexible note organization and offline access.
  • Professionals and teams: Take meeting minutes, manage tasks, and collaborate on shared notebooks, all within a secure and accessible platform.
  • Privacy-conscious individuals: Enjoy complete control over your data with offline storage and end-to-end encryption, ensuring your notes remain private.
  • Power users and developers: Leverage Joplin’s open-source nature to create custom plugins, integrations, and workflows tailored to your specific needs.

Joplin stands out as a versatile and secure note-taking platform that prioritizes both user freedom and powerful functionality. Its commitment to open-source principles, offline accessibility, and robust encryption makes it an attractive choice for individuals, students, professionals, and anyone who values organized and secure knowledge management. Whether you’re taking quick notes or crafting detailed research papers, Joplin empowers you to capture, organize, and access your thoughts with ease.




Open Source
Free Usage for Community
Joplin: Free, Open Source Note Taking and To-Do Application

Pricing and Features

Product Tier

Open Source



  • Data Privacy and Ownership: 100% local data, exportable, optional end-to-end encryption, no ads.
  • Cross-Platform Sync: Syncs on desktop, mobile, and command line. Browser clipping.
  • Open Source and Community: Active community support, no risk of sudden discontinuation.
  • User-Friendly and Extendable: Intuitive interface, supports Markdown plugins, math formulas, Mermaid diagrams.


Product FAQ

What is Joplin and what makes it different from other note-taking apps?

Joplin is an open-source note-taking app that prioritizes privacy, security, and offline functionality. Unlike many cloud-based alternatives, Joplin stores your notes locally on your device, encrypting them for added security. This allows you to take control of your data and access your notes even without an internet connection.

Is Joplin suitable for taking handwritten notes or incorporating multimedia into notes?

Currently, Joplin primarily focuses on text-based notes. While you can embed images and links, features like handwriting recognition or audio recording are not yet available. However, the open-source community actively develops new features, and future updates might include these functionalities.

Does Joplin offer mobile apps for Android and iOS, and how do they compare to the desktop experience?

Joplin offers dedicated mobile apps for both Android and iOS devices. These apps provide full access to your notes, allowing you to create, edit, and organize them even when on the go. The core features and functionalities are consistent across desktop and mobile versions, ensuring a similar note-taking experience regardless of the device.

How does Joplin handle version control and note history, ensuring I don't accidentally lose work?

Joplin automatically saves note revisions, allowing you to revert to previous versions if needed. You can also manually create snapshots of your entire notebook at specific points, providing additional backups. Additionally, using cloud synchronization ensures data redundancy across devices, further mitigating accidental data loss.

Joplin seems focused on privacy. Does it offer any specific features to enhance note security on my device?

Beyond end-to-end encryption, Joplin offers optional password protection for individual notes, adding an extra layer of security. This ensures only those who know the password can access the encrypted note content. Additionally, using strong passwords and enabling two-factor authentication on your Joplin account further bolster security measures.

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