Deals for Backendless - with Free Sandbox Access! - Subscribed.FYI
Web Development & Design


Backendless, a BaaS solution, lets developers swiftly build and manage applications with a visual app builder, cloud-based infrastructure, and scalable features. Ideal for businesses, startups, and non-technical users, it simplifies development for robust applications.

Explore Backendless with Free Sandbox Access! - Get the most out of Backendless

How much can customers save with Backendless deal?

Forever Free plan

How to Claim:

  1. Visit Backendless Website: Go to the Backendless website using the provided link: Backendless.
  2. Sign Up: Sign up for a Backendless account by clicking on the "Sign Up" or "Get Started" button.
  3. Access Free Plan: Upon signing up after May 22nd, 2023, you will automatically start with an application on the Free Plan. You can have up to five apps on the Free Plan at any given time.
  4. Explore Limitations: Review the limitations of the Free Plan listed in the provided information to understand what is included and what restrictions apply.
  5. Utilize Learning Resources: Utilize the learning resources provided by Backendless to explore the platform and learn its fundamentals.
  6. Upgrade to Paid Plan: If you require more resources or wish to publish applications with higher traffic, you can easily upgrade to a paid plan at any time by navigating to Backend > Manage > Billing and following the instructions to switch plans and set up payment profiles.

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