Butter.us Pricing & Features Overview - Subscribed.FYI
Video Communication


Butter is a versatile platform designed for seamless workshop, training, and meeting experiences. With features like an intuitive agenda planner, integrated collaboration tools, and AI-powered session recaps, Butter caters to workshop facilitators, trainers, meeting organizers, and business teams, offering a unified and engaging environment for planning, running, and recapping sessions.


What is Butter.US?

Butter is a dynamic platform designed to elevate your workshop, training, and meeting experiences by providing a seamless and engaging environment for planning, running, and recapping sessions. With Butter’s intuitive features, including a built-in agenda planner, integrated collaboration tools, and auto-generated recaps, users can effortlessly create and manage sessions that lead to better outcomes—all within a single, user-friendly interface.

Why Use Butter?

In the realm of collaborative sessions, Butter excels by:

  • Effortless Session Planning: Butter’s built-in agenda planner allows users to effortlessly structure sessions for optimal engagement. Customize agendas, preload favorite tools, and leverage AI for quick agenda creation, saving time and ensuring a well-organized session.
  • Unified Collaboration Tools: Say goodbye to the hassle of juggling multiple tools. Butter.US integrates essential collaboration tools such as polls, flashcards, Miro, Google Docs, video, and presentations, providing a streamlined and focused experience for participants.
  • AI-Powered Session Recaps: Never miss a key takeaway again. Butter’s AI capabilities summarize sessions instantly, making it easy to find, remember, and share outcomes. From interactive transcripts to full session recaps, Butter ensures valuable information is at your fingertips.
  • Seamless Collaboration in Workspaces: Save time and maintain consistency with Butter’s collaborative workspaces. These workspaces facilitate teamwork, allowing users to collaborate efficiently and keep everything related to their sessions in one centralized location.

Who is Butter For?

Butter caters to a wide audience:

  • Workshop Facilitators: Facilitators can leverage Butter.US to plan and execute engaging workshops seamlessly. The platform’s AI-powered features simplify session planning and enhance participant engagement.
  • Trainers and Educators: Trainers and educators benefit from Butter.US by creating structured and interactive training sessions. The platform’s integrated tools and recap features contribute to more effective learning experiences.
  • Meeting Organizers: Butter.US is ideal for those organizing meetings, providing a unified platform to plan, run, and recap sessions. The streamlined collaboration tools eliminate the need for juggling multiple apps.
  • Business Teams: Business teams looking for a comprehensive solution for virtual collaboration and meeting management can use Butter.US to ensure productive and engaging sessions.

Butter redefines the way sessions are planned, executed, and recapped, offering a holistic solution for workshop facilitators, trainers, meeting organizers, and business teams. Whether you’re looking to boost engagement, streamline collaboration, or create memorable sessions, Butter.US provides the tools to achieve successful outcomes.




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Pricing and Features

Product Tier


Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • Participants per Session: Up to 10 participants per session.
  • Workspace Members: Up to 5 members for collaborative work.
  • Recording Duration: 1 hour of recording included per session.
  • Recap History: 7-day recap history for review and analysis.
  • Session Duration: Up to 40 minutes per session for efficient meetings.
  • AI Agendas: AI-generated agendas for organized discussions.
  • Automated Recaps: Automated session recaps for easy follow-up.
  • Breakout Rooms: Flexible breakout rooms for dynamic collaboration.


Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • Meeting Participants: Up to 50 for collaborative discussions.
  • Workspace Members: Accommodate up to 10 members.
  • Recording Capabilities: 10 hours included for session playback.
  • Recap History: Access a 45-day history for reference.
  • No Time Limits: Conduct sessions without restrictions.
  • AI Summaries: Benefit from AI-generated post-meeting insights.
  • Transcription Service: Session transcriptions available for documentation.
  • Role Management: Efficiently manage workspace roles.


Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • Session Capacity: Up to 200 participants per session.
  • Workspace Members: Unlimited members in your workspace.
  • Recording Access: Record sessions without limitations.
  • Recap History: Access unlimited history for session recaps.
  • Invoicing (Annual Only): Custom invoicing for annual plans.
  • Customization (Coming Soon): Personalize with team wallpapers and backgrounds (coming soon).


Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Monthly Price (Paid Yearly)


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • Custom Integrations/APIs: Seamless integration with custom solutions.
  • Room Flexibility: Open rooms for dynamic and collaborative sessions.
  • Recording Options: Breakout recording for enhanced capture.
  • Analytics Insights: Advanced engagement analytics for evaluation.
  • Support and Training: Dedicated support and team training for utilization.
  • Session Capacity: Host up to 200 participants per session.
  • Unlimited Workspace Members: Add members without limitations.
  • Recording Access: Record sessions without limitations.
  • Recap History: Access unlimited history for recaps.
  • Invoicing (Annual Only): Custom invoicing for annual plans.



Steps to Cancel Butter Subscription.

Canceling your Butter subscription is a straightforward process. For detailed instructions, Click here.

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Product FAQ

Why Should I Use Butter?

Butter stands out for collaborative sessions with a focus on planning, running, and recapping engaging interactions. Unlike traditional video conferencing tools built for conversations, Butter empowers facilitators, moderators, and hosts by providing all-in-one tools for seamless engagement. Set up agendas and tools in advance, create interactive sessions, and easily recap—all within one workspace. Teams benefit from a dedicated platform for collaboration, template sharing, and access to recaps for every session.

What Types of Sessions is Butter Best For?

Butter is ideal for highly-collaborative sessions such as workshops, training, bootcamps, courses, events, interactive webinars, and social gatherings. It’s not designed for mundane meetings that could have been emails. While suitable for everyday meetings, Butter excels in keeping participants energized and productive during sessions that require active engagement and collaboration.

Is Butter Free?

Yes, Butter offers a free plan allowing group sessions up to 45 minutes with 25 participants. One-on-one sessions are unlimited and free. Paid plans, with no time limits, unlimited rooms, recording capabilities, and customization options (like adding logos and wallpapers), are also available. Check out the pricing details on the pricing page.

How Many Participants Can Join a Butter Session?

Butter accommodates up to 100 participants on Basic and Business plans. For larger gatherings, the Large Sessions add-on allows an upgrade to 200 participants per session (Business plan required for add-on purchase). Explore more about add-ons here.

Do You Need an Account to Join a Butter Session?

No, participants can join Butter sessions without creating an account. By clicking the shared invite link, participants can access sessions directly through their browser. However, signing up for a free account provides additional benefits, including access to recaps for joined sessions.

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