Sendbird Pricing & Features Overview- Subscribed.FYI
Customer Relationship Management


Sendbird provides APIs and SDKs for integrating chat, voice, video, and live streaming into apps. It boosts engagement, scales effectively, ensures security, and suits businesses and developers aiming for interactive experiences.


What is Sendbird?

Sendbird is a leading communication platform that provides APIs and SDKs for developers to easily integrate chat, messaging, voice, video, and live streaming functionalities into their web and mobile applications. It offers a comprehensive suite of features for building real-time, in-app communication experiences that drive user engagement and retention.

Why Use Sendbird?

Here are some of the key benefits of using Sendbird:

  • Simplified In-App Communication: Seamlessly integrate chat, voice, video, and live streaming features into your applications without the need for complex backend infrastructure.
  • Enhanced User Engagement: Create interactive and engaging experiences that keep users coming back to your app.
  • Scalability & Performance: Sendbird’s platform is built to handle high volumes of traffic and ensures smooth communication even with large user bases.
  • Customization & Flexibility: Tailor the chat experience to your specific needs with customizable features and branding options.
  • Security & Compliance: Sendbird prioritizes data security and adheres to strict industry regulations, ensuring the safety of user information.

Who is Sendbird For?

Sendbird is ideal for:

  • Mobile App Developers: Easily add chat functionalities to various types of mobile applications, from social networking platforms to e-commerce apps.
  • Product & Engineering Teams: Focus on core app features while Sendbird handles the complexities of real-time communication infrastructure.
  • Businesses of All Sizes: From startups to large enterprises, Sendbird offers scalable solutions to meet the communication needs of any organization.
  • Anyone Building Interactive Apps: Sendbird empowers developers to create engaging and feature-rich in-app communication experiences.

Sendbird provides a powerful and flexible platform for integrating real-time communication features into various applications. By offering a robust API, comprehensive features, and a focus on scalability and security, Sendbird helps developers build engaging user experiences that drive business growth and user retention.




Customer Relationship Management
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Pricing and Features

Product Tier

Developer Plan

Monthly Price


Yearly Price


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • Free Tier: No overages, 100 MAU, 10 connections.
  • Developer Plan: Pro features, no credit card needed, community support.

Starter Plan

Monthly Price

$399 minimum

Yearly Price

$4,788 minimum

Free Trial (Weeks)


  • Modern Messaging: Essential features, 5K MAU minimum.
  • Basic Moderation: Included, ticketed support provided.

Pro Plan

Monthly Price

$599 minimum

Yearly Price

$7,188 minimum

Free Trial (Weeks)


  • Starter Plan Benefits: Includes all Starter Plan Benefits.
  • Message Translation: Included, 5K MAU minimum.
  • Moderation Plus: Enhanced moderation features.
  • Ticketed Support: Available for assistance.

Enterprise Plan



  • Pro Plan Benefits: Includes all Pro Plan Benefits.
  • Custom Pricing: Tailored for high MAU.
  • Data Export: Access to export data.
  • Dedicated Servers: Optional for customization.
  • Priority Support: Priority assistance included.

AI chatbot

Free Plan


Starter Plan


Pro Plan


Enterprise Plan


  • Chatbots: Conversational interactions.
  • Data Input: Utilize 50 files or links.
  • Custom Responses: Tailored workflow-based replies.
  • Function Integration: Connect with external systems.
  • Flexible Pricing: Various budget options available.
  • Message Credits: Monthly interaction allocation.
  • Scalability: Grow from basic to enterprise levels.
  • Customization: Tailor appearance and behavior.
  • Support: Assistance for setup and optimization.
  • Integration: Seamlessly connect with other platforms.

Business Messaging



  • Description: Deliver compelling in-app notifications to engage users effectively.
  • Limited Time Offer: Speak with our Product Specialist now.
  • Special Promotion: Save 50% on your SMS expenses.

Sendbird Calls Voice

Peer-to-peer price


Server-relayed price


Cloud recording


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • Per User Pricing: $0.0010 for peer-to-peer communication.
  • Server-Relayed Pricing: $0.0015 per minute for server-based communication.
  • Cloud Recording Pricing: $0.0014 per minute for cloud-based recording services.

Sendbird Calls Video

Peer-to-peer price


Server-relayed price


Cloud recording


Free Trial (Weeks)


  • Peer-to-Peer Pricing: $0.0014 per minute for direct user communication.
  • Server-Relayed Pricing: $0.0035 per minute for communication via server relay.
  • Cloud Recording Pricing: $0.0059 per minute for recording services on the cloud.



Enhancing Your In-App Communication: Ending Your Sendbird Subscription

As your business communication needs evolve, or as you explore alternative in-app messaging solutions, Sendbird offers a clear and efficient process to terminate your subscription. To ensure a smooth transition and avoid unintended charges, please visit this page.

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Product FAQ

What are the core functionalities of Sendbird, and how does it help businesses?

Sendbird provides a comprehensive set of features for:

  • In-App Chat: Integrate real-time chat functionality within your mobile and web applications, enabling one-on-one and group conversations.
  • Customizable Features: Tailor the chat experience with features like file sharing, custom message types, and advanced channel management.
  • Scalability and Performance: Ensure reliable communication even with a large user base and high message volume.
  • Security and Compliance: Benefit from robust security measures and compliance with industry standards like GDPR and HIPAA.

Sendbird empowers businesses to add seamless and secure chat functionalities to their applications, enhancing user engagement and communication.

What are the benefits of using Sendbird compared to building a chat system from scratch?

Sendbird offers several advantages:

  • Faster Development: Leverage pre-built chat functionalities instead of investing time and resources in building your own system.
  • Reduced Costs: Eliminate the need for extensive infrastructure and maintenance associated with in-house chat development.
  • Scalability and Performance: Benefit from Sendbird’s robust infrastructure designed to handle large user bases and high message traffic.
  • Security and Compliance: Gain peace of mind with Sendbird’s built-in security features and adherence to industry regulations.

Sendbird provides a cost-effective and efficient way to integrate chat functionalities, saving development time and ensuring reliable performance.

How does Sendbird ensure the security and privacy of user data?

Sendbird prioritizes data security:

  • Data Encryption: Messages and data are encrypted in transit and at rest, ensuring their protection throughout the communication process.
  • Access Control: Implement granular access control mechanisms to restrict user data access based on specific roles and permissions.
  • Compliance Certifications: Sendbird adheres to industry-standard compliance certifications like GDPR and HIPAA, demonstrating its commitment to data privacy.

These measures provide businesses with the confidence that user data is handled securely within the Sendbird platform.

Does Sendbird offer any additional features or functionalities beyond basic chat?

Sendbird offers additional functionalities:

  • Sendbird Desk: Integrate a helpdesk solution for managing customer support inquiries and interactions within your application.
  • Community Features: Enable features like public and private channels, forums, and content moderation for building online communities.
  • Customizable Branding: Tailor the chat interface to match your brand identity and application design.

These features expand Sendbird’s capabilities beyond basic chat, allowing businesses to create comprehensive communication and engagement solutions within their applications.

Does Sendbird offer any analytics tools to track chat activity and user engagement?

Sendbird provides comprehensive analytics:

  • Real-Time Message Analytics: Monitor message delivery, read receipts, and user activity in real-time to gain insights into chat usage.
  • Engagement Metrics: Track key metrics like user engagement, channel activity, and message volume to understand user behavior and optimize communication features.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Create personalized dashboards to visualize key performance indicators and track metrics relevant to your specific goals.

These analytics tools provide valuable data to optimize your chat functionalities and improve user engagement within your application.

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