Thanx Pricing & Features Overview - Subscribed.FYI
Customer Relationship Management


Thanx boosts brick-and-mortar businesses by personalizing interactions, providing data-driven insights, and enabling seamless integration. Tailored for retailers, restaurants, malls, and small businesses, Thanx drives customer loyalty and growth.


What is Thanx?

Thanx is a leading provider of digital guest engagement for brick-and-mortar businesses. In a time where offline retailers, restaurants, and malls are navigating challenges post-COVID-19, Thanx offers a solution to help these businesses thrive. By embracing digital purchasing, capturing valuable customer data, and personalizing interactions with guests, Thanx empowers businesses to grow lifetime value and enhance customer loyalty.

Why Use Thanx?

Thanx stands out in the realm of digital guest engagement by:

  1. Personalized Interactions: Thanx enables businesses to personalize every interaction with their customers, creating a more meaningful and engaging experience that fosters loyalty and repeat business.
  2. Data-Driven Insights: By capturing detailed customer data, Thanx equips businesses with valuable insights to understand customer behavior, preferences, and trends, allowing for targeted marketing strategies and tailored offerings.
  3. Seamless Integration: Thanx’s proprietary integrations with credit card networks, such as Visa, ensure the accuracy and volume of purchase data, which forms the foundation of the products and services offered by Thanx.
  4. Digital Transformation: In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, Thanx helps brick-and-mortar businesses adapt to the changing consumer preferences by embracing digital solutions and enhancing their online presence.

Who is Thanx For?

Thanx caters to a wide range of brick-and-mortar businesses, including:

  1. Retailers: Leverage Thanx to engage customers, drive repeat purchases, and increase customer lifetime value through personalized marketing campaigns and loyalty programs.
  2. Restaurants: Utilize Thanx to enhance guest engagement, collect valuable feedback, and create personalized dining experiences that keep customers coming back.
  3. Malls: Connect with shoppers, offer personalized promotions, and enhance the overall shopping experience using Thanx, driving foot traffic and increasing sales.
  4. Small Businesses: Strengthen customer relationships, increase customer retention, and boost revenue through targeted marketing efforts and personalized incentives with Thanx.

In summary, Thanx offers brick-and-mortar businesses a powerful platform to engage customers, drive loyalty, and grow lifetime value in an increasingly digital world. Whether you’re a retailer, restaurant owner, mall operator, or small business owner, Thanx provides the tools and capabilities to thrive in today’s competitive market landscape.




Customer Relationship Management
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6% Per Year

Pricing and Features

Product Tier

Digital Essentials



  • Digital Essentials: CRM-integrated platform for guest engagement.
  • Web Ordering: Seamless online data capture.
  • Email Campaigns: Targeted campaigns with ROI reporting.
  • Email Service: Comprehensive email service included.
  • Promotion Manager: Efficiently manage online promotions.

Thanx 360°



  • Thanx 360°: Complete guest engagement with CRM-integrated experiences.
  • Loyalty Engine: Highly configurable for diverse needs.
  • In-Store Data Capture: Seamless process via credit card integrations.
  • Automated Campaigns: Including Thanx Winback powered by machine learning.
  • Real-Time NPS Feedback: Instant private channel feedback.
  • Optional Channels: SMS, branded mobile app, web ordering, or API integration.
  • And More: Additional features available!



Streamlining Your Customer Loyalty Rewards: Concluding Your Thanx Subscription

As your customer loyalty and rewards program needs evolve or as you explore alternative solutions for incentivizing purchases, Thanx offers a clear and efficient process to end your subscription. To ensure a smooth transition and avoid any outstanding concerns, please visit this page.

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Product FAQ

What is Thanx?

Thanx is a customer engagement platform designed to assist businesses in cultivating loyalty and driving repeat purchases by rewarding customers for their continued patronage.

How does Thanx work?

Thanx enables businesses to establish personalized rewards programs for their customers. Customers earn points or rewards for their purchases, while businesses can analyze customer behavior and preferences to customize their marketing strategies accordingly.

How can I sign up for Thanx?

Customers can sign up for Thanx by downloading the app from either the App Store or Google Play Store and creating an account. Meanwhile, businesses interested in Thanx can request a demo by visiting the website.

What types of businesses can benefit from using Thanx?

Thanx is beneficial for a wide array of businesses seeking to foster customer loyalty and boost repeat purchases. This includes restaurants, retailers, salons, and various other service-oriented establishments.

Is Thanx secure?

Yes, Thanx places a high priority on customer data security. It employs industry-standard encryption and security measures to safeguard customer information. Additionally, customers have control over their privacy settings and can determine the information they share with businesses.

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