Reduce Your Zoho Social Subscription Costs by 25% | Subscribed.FYI
Marketing & Analytics

Zoho Social

Zoho Social streamlines social media management, offering a unified platform for scheduling posts, monitoring conversations, and analyzing performance. Ideal for social media managers, small to medium-sized businesses, marketing teams, and digital agencies, it fosters collaboration and effective online presence.

with Zoho Social

How much can customers reduce their spend with Zoho Social?

How to Reduce Your Zoho Social Subscription Cost

Zoho Social offers robust social media management tools, but if you’re looking to trim your subscription costs, consider these strategies:

Tricks for Direct Bill Reduction

  • Optimize User Licenses: Audit user licenses and remove inactive users. Consider granting specific functionalities instead of assigning full licenses for basic needs.
  • Process Automation: Utilize workflow and approval processes to automate manual tasks, reducing the need for additional licenses.

Workarounds to Reduce Subscription Costs

  • Integrations with Free/Freemium Tools: Explore free or freemium tools like Zapier for basic automation tasks. Consider integrating with freemium tools like Slack for internal team usage.

How to Reduce Zoho Social via Bundling with Zoho One

  • Zoho One: Consider bundling Zoho Social with other Zoho products through Zoho One. This full access plan to all Zoho products may offer cost savings compared to individual subscriptions. Zoho One Pricing

Negotiate with Support

  • Discuss Usage Patterns: Contact Zoho Social support and discuss your current usage patterns. They may offer discounts based on your specific needs and historical data.
  • Negotiate Renewal Rates: Before your subscription renews, negotiate renewal rates with support. Loyalty and commitment to the platform can sometimes lead to better pricing.

Switch to Subscription Type

  • Annual Subscriptions: Consider switching to annual subscriptions instead of monthly billing. Annual plans often come with a discount compared to monthly billing.
  • Reduce Inactive Users: Regularly review user activity and remove inactive user licenses to free up costs.

Negotiating with Support (Alternative Products)

  • Discuss Usage Patterns: Contact support and discuss your current usage patterns. They might offer discounts based on your specific needs and historical data.
  • Negotiate Renewal Rates: Before your subscription renews, negotiate renewal rates with support. Loyalty and commitment to the platform can sometimes lead to better pricing.

Contact Zoho Social Support

Reach out to Zoho Social support for further assistance and potential discounts:

Switch to Alternative for Zoho Social

If Zoho Social’s pricing doesn’t align with your budget, explore these alternative social media management platforms:

  • Buffer: A user-friendly platform for scheduling posts, analyzing performance, and engaging with audiences across multiple social media platforms.
  • Hootsuite: A leading platform for scheduling posts, engaging with audiences, and analyzing performance across multiple social media networks.
  • A popular platform for planning, scheduling, and analyzing posts across various social media platforms.
  • A versatile platform designed to simplify content scheduling and sharing across multiple platforms.
  • Open-Source Solutions: Explore open-source solutions that offer similar functionalities at a lower cost.

By implementing these strategies and exploring alternative solutions, you can effectively reduce your Zoho Social subscription costs without compromising on your social media management needs.