How to Reduce Your Notion Subscription Cost - Subscribed.FYI


Notion is an all-in-one workspace and note-taking app, offering versatile and collaborative features for individuals and teams. With customization options and real-time collaboration, it caters to various users, including individuals, teams, students, and business professionals, providing a unified solution for note-taking, project management, and knowledge sharing.

25% Off on Subscription with Notion

How much can customers reduce their spend with Notion?

$24 per year

How to Reduce Your Notion Subscription Cost

Notion offers powerful collaboration and productivity features, but managing subscription costs is essential for businesses. Here are strategies to help you save on your Notion expenses:

Direct Cost Reduction Tricks

  • Subscribe through iPad: Consider subscribing to Notion through an iPad, which offers a lower price of $50 per year compared to $10 per month. This switch can result in significant savings.

Additional Cost Reduction Strategies

  • Optimize User Licenses: Audit user licenses and remove inactive users. Consider assigning permission sets to grant specific functionalities instead of assigning full licenses for basic needs.
  • Data Storage Management: Archive old data and implement data validation rules to prevent unnecessary data entry that consumes storage space.
  • Process Automation: Utilize workflow and approval processes to automate manual tasks, reducing the need for additional licenses.

Workarounds to Reduce Subscription Costs

  • Integrations with Free/Freemium Tools: Explore free or freemium tools like Zapier to automate tasks that might require additional licenses. Consider integrating with freemium tools like Slack for internal team usage.

Negotiate with Support

  • Speak with Notion Support Team: Contact Notion’s support team ([email protected]) and inquire about potential discounts or special offers. Discuss your usage patterns and historical data to explore opportunities for cost savings.
  • Negotiate Renewal Rates: Before your subscription renews, negotiate renewal rates with support. Loyalty and commitment to the platform can sometimes lead to better pricing.

Switch to Annual Subscriptions

  • Annual Subscriptions: Consider switching to an annual subscription instead of monthly billing. Annual subscriptions often come with a discount, potentially saving you up to 25%.

Alternative Products

While Notion offers unique features, there are alternative products available that may suit your needs:

  1. Trello: Trello is a popular project management tool known for its visual boards and task management features. It offers a free version with premium features available through subscription.
  2. Asana: Asana is a robust project management platform suitable for teams of all sizes. It offers task tracking, team collaboration, and integration with various tools. Asana offers a free version with premium plans available.
  3. ClickUp: ClickUp is a comprehensive productivity platform that combines task management, document collaboration, and communication features. It offers a free version with paid plans for additional features.

Consider evaluating these alternatives to determine which best aligns with your organization’s requirements and budget. Additionally, explore open-source solutions that may offer similar functionalities at a lower cost.